Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

When we map the on-goings of the Nazi regime during WWII, we see desperate attempts to locate the sacred Anunnaki sites and ancient Anunnaki technology. Their movements were so well orchestrated that we can only assume that they were pointed in the right direction by some kind of ‘divine’ intervention. (Surprisingly, the geographic movements and military tactics of the Nazis were not that different than the Bush Era circa 2000-2008.) What is seldom mentioned is that the Nazi regime was also seizing control of all the gold mines in Africa during this time. When the Nazis began gassing the Jews, it was all too obvious that EN.LIL was their Secular ‘divine’ intervention; and their mission included the genocide of  all the offspring of EN.LIL’s brother EN.KI. To emphasize that this truly was a wave of Secular conquest, the Russians were cooperating with the Nazis during most of the War—until Hitler made the mistake of double-crossing them with a surprise attack. 

But the unrivaled force of Messianic Christendom, Great Britain and the United States thwarted the designs of EN.LIL and the world remained in the noble hands of EN.KI. So much was already in place, how could EN.KI lose? EN.KI dominated the world stage not only through Religion; but he had established secret societies far superior to the Nazi Party and its SS (Knights Templar, Skull and Bones, Masons, Vatican Jesuits... to name a few). Most important, Great Britain and the United States were already in control of the world’s gold. No one gives a second thought to the primary purpose of the United States (the 'Land of the Free') found in the lyrics to the song America the Beautiful below:  

"O beautiful for heroes prov'd
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country lov'd,
And mercy more than life.
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine."

The Freemasons have a ceremony of initiation handed down to them from the Knights Templar that includes: a noose around the neck, a slipper on one foot and the other trouser-leg rolled up to the knee. This is a clear depiction of Mankind as a literal ‘slave’ to a higher authority, the Anunnaki. It makes sense that our Founding Fathers and most of our U.S. Presidents were Freemasons. They understood completely what their role on Earth demanded-- to serve the Anunnaki agenda.

Today, we have the Central Bank operating to monitor and distribute the world’s gold on a much larger scale. Most people are not even aware that a primary function of the Central Bank is to acquire gold from one country and sell it, at a discounted rate, to another country. I believe this centralized distribution process is in existence for a very ‘serious’ reason—the Anunnaki keep tabs on exactly how much gold is held by each country. There are so many varying types of UFO craft sited around the world; and each type of craft serves a unique purpose. Just like we have GM, Ford and Chrysler, the Anunnaki manufacture many different types of spacecraft that range in size from 10 feet to miles in length. The smaller craft are designed to regularly monitor the whereabouts of both gold and nuclear technology (the Anunnaki remain leery of nukes). Some of the craft are manned, some are unmanned.

The alien beings that we see piloting most of the smaller surveillance craft are not Anunnaki; but they report back to the Anunnaki. These gray beings with large heads are actually hybrid beings similar to the first Adam and Eve created by EN.KI more than 400,000 years ago—except now they are more advanced. The Anunnaki will show themselves on occasion; and we have numerous reports of human-like men and women dressed in royal garb that were seen on or near their spacecraft. The smaller spacecraft can pass through liquid or solid; and they can blend into their surroundings for invisibility if necessary (simple holographic technology, actually). The gray beings encountered at Roswell Air Force Base in the 1950's provided full disclosure of Anunnaki intentions to pick-up large amounts of gold in the near future. The extremely large spaceships are typically cargo ships.

During the 1980’s and 1990’s, an army of craft and beings were sited repeatedly around New York and Pennsylvania. The 'Hudson Valley UFO' phenomena seemed like a total invasion from outer space. In the late 1990’s to 2010, these same craft and beings were now being sited in Nevada and Arizona. The 'Phoenix Lights' event was witnessed by thousands. But, why the switch? The bulk of the U.S. gold reserves were stored in huge underground facilities in New York and Pennsylvania during the 1980’s and 1990’s. From 1997 up to today, the U.S. gold reserves relocated to the massive Yucca Mountain Spent-Waste Facility in southern Nevada.  Just follow the Hudson Valley UFO sightings in the 1980’s and 1990’s; and then compare them to the Phoenix Lights events that occurred from 1997 up to present day. It’s as simple as that.

There are many psychics and Ufologists who claim that the UFO’s we see today are traversing across the galaxies and constellations to visit the Earth. These perceptive souls are somewhat misguided as some of them even claim that they have communicated with a ‘Galactic Council of Nine’ representing all the different alien societies who have an interest in our planet’s survival. This too is off the mark when, in fact, they are drawing upon their limited knowledge of Anunnaki branches of government; namely the ‘Assembly of the Gods’ (50) and the ‘Council of the Great Gods’ (7). Some say the varying types of spacecraft are indicative of the various far-off galaxies from which they came. Again, not true.

I previously mentioned that the difference in the shapes and sizes of the UFO spacecraft are no different than the various styles of GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles we design ourselves. Regardless, it is all 100% Anunnaki activity from Nibiru-- including the spacecraft we have learned to fly ourselves. To be blunt, the Earth and its inhabitants are so low on the evolutionary chain that no other advanced species is inclined to interact with us. On a practical level, there is nothing we have here on Earth that any advanced race would leave their own solar system, or galaxy, to acquire. We share the same Sun with Nibiru; and the Anunnaki interact with us for only one reason, GOLD, as we continue to be their 'slave species'.
All the while, radio and television stations are ‘brainwashing’ Mankind with a constant barrage of advertisements insisting that gold is “valuable”; gold is “good”; gold can “secure your future”; and gold is “better than any paper currency in existence”. It is a fascist form of mind-control from the day we are born. It is all designed to make us believe that there is a perfectly logical explanation for why we mine so much gold—store up so much gold—more gold than we could ever use in our lifetimes. They don’t really want us to own gold as individuals. They just want us to VALUE gold as individuals. If they can convince us that the propaganda is true, then we’ll never ask, “Why?”

Why so much gold? And why do all the world’s civilizations revolve around it?

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