Friday, May 24, 2013

They Come and They Go

It is not blasphemy, nor is it far-reaching, to ask ourselves, “Is god still here?” As the ancient texts reveal, sometimes they are here with us and sometimes they are not. We know from Sumerian texts that the Anunnaki ventured to and fro, between Earth, Mars and Nibiru all the time-- from their landing strips and launch pads located in Sumeria. Far too many written accounts from all over the world describe how the Anunnaki traversed the skies and traveled to different locations here on Earth as well. An undeniably consistent pattern emerges when ALL ancient texts and scriptures refer to the gods as being “gone for a while”; with the understanding that they will someday return.

Below is a Babylonian account of such comings and goings in relation to the god Nannar-Sin:

610 B.C.
It was in the sixteenth year of Nabupolassar,
king of Babylon, when Sin, lord of the gods,
became angry with his city and his temple
and went up to heaven;
and the city and the people in it went to ruin.

555 B.C.
This is the great miracle of Sin
that has by gods and goddesses
not happened in the land,
since days of old unknown;
That the people of the Earth
had neither seen nor found written
on tablets since the days of old:
That Sin, lord of gods and goddesses,
residing in the heavens,
has come down from the heavens--
in full view of Nabuna’id, king of Babylon.

So it seems the god Sin was gone for about 60 years or so? Nannar-Sin was not EN.LIL’s firstborn heir—that rank belonged to Ninurta—he was the firstborn of EN.LIL and his spouse NIN.LIL. Specifically, he was the firstborn on Earth. Nannar-Sin resided with his wife in the city of Harran; a city known to both Abraham and Ezekiel in the Old Testament. I mention this only because it is Ezekiel who witnesses an alien craft piloted by an astronaut in the Bible. In fact, it is Ezekiel who also saw the “semblance of a man” mourning and bewailing:

Yahweh sees us no more,
Yahweh has left the Earth!

Speaking of the city of Harran. Around this same time there was an odd solar eclipse over the city of Harran which caused the following prophecy to be written down impromptu; except this time it relates to both Nannar-Sin and his father EN.LIL (and all the gods):

Roaring the gods, flying,
from the lands will go away,
from the people they will be separated.
The people will the gods’ abodes leave in ruins.
Compassion and well-being will cease.
Enlil, in anger, will lift himself off.

To make the situation even more dire; we have a reference to EN.KI’s son, Marduk, becoming so angry that he departed Earth in a tirade. Upon further investigation, this mass departure coincides with biblical prophecies surrounding the ‘Day of the Lord’—which we now know is related to the return of the planet Nibiru. In other words, the gods left Earth when planet Nibiru came:

Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, got angry. His mind furious.
He made an evil plan to disperse the land and its people.
His angry heart was bent on leveling the land and
destroying its people.
A grievous curse formed in his mouth.
Evil portents indicating the disruption of heavenly harmony
started appearing abundantly in heaven and on Earth.
The planets in the Ways of Enlil, Anu and Ea worsened
their positions and repeatedly disclosed abnormal omens.
Arahtu, the river of abundance, became a raging current.
A fierce surge of water , a violent flood like the Deluge
swept away the city, its houses and sanctuaries,
turning them to ruins.
The gods and goddesses became afraid, abandoned their
shrines, flew off like birds and ascended to heaven.

The Sumerians wrote of gods who persistently came and went. The Akkadians, Babylonians and Egyptians referred to such departure and return of the gods as well. But more evidence continues to surface. Observing the Nazca Lines from space we see virtual runways, aerial markers and landing strips. The pyramids and ruins of Mesoamerica, central and south America, refer similarly to the arrival and departure of the gods. We have the Tiwanacu ruins revealing highly advanced engineering techniques and Quetzalcoatl portrayed as an astronaut god in a spaceship! Given all this evidence one thing is certain: between 610 B.C. and 560 B.C. the Anunnaki gods were methodically leaving the planet. And, not surprisingly, whenever the gods decide to make a mass exodus, their corresponding civilizations disappear off the face of the Earth shortly after.

We know, from endless accounts, that when the Anunnaki come and go individually, or in small groups, that they are usually going about their regular routine—a vital routine of mining gold. And repeating accounts tell us that when the Anunnaki leave in droves and all hell breaks loose on Earth, the planet Nibiru has arrived, once again, to disrupt our Solar System. So, if the last documented arrival of Nibiru was around 600 B.C., the next arrival of Nibiru should be around 2900-3000 A.D. give or take a few centuries. That should be comforting news to my generation; but what is going on right now as we speak? Well, that is a topic for future blog entries.

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