Friday, May 24, 2013

The Crossing - the Divine Seed

The symbol of ‘the cross’ has remained a significant icon since the beginning of Mankind—for over 400,000 years. When Jesus traveled throughout Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Roman Empire, undoubtedly he saw people wearing crosses everywhere he went. In fact, long before the time of Jesus, the symbol of the cross emphasized “The Crossing” which was a widely acknowledged astral event related to the 10th planet, Nibiru, crossing through our Solar System. The event of The Crossing was also referred to as “The Day of the Lord” and “The Return”. With respect to these latter terms, it typically referred to the return of the Anunnaki god Marduk; whose name became synonymous with the planet Nibiru.
For those who believe the symbol of the cross relates only to Jesus, it is important to mention that true biblical scholars (and Jehovah’s Witnesses) can provide dozens of examples in which the original scripture translations clearly indicate that people were crucified on a “stake”. The stake (picture a telephone pole) was ergonomically necessary to keep the weight from being distributed entirely on the feet; while the arms and hands nailed directly over the head were intended to stretch the rib-cage thereby quickening the process of suffocation and death. That being said, to wear the symbol of the cross to express one’s belief in Jesus, and Christianity, remains perfectly within reason.
The last known date of The Crossing was around 556 B.C. and I have detailed, in prior blog posts, the chaotic events which ensued as the planet Nibiru approached the Earth. In 556 B.C. the planet Nibiru was just beginning to make its way around the planets Saturn and Jupiter and it caused certain catastrophic events on Earth to commence—including the mass exodus of the Anunnaki gods. What has never been discussed is that between 556 B.C. and 0 A.D. the planet Nibiru made its way around the Sun and continued its path back through our Solar System. This ex-ital orbit was visible to the Earth—as the Star of David—primarily because Nibiru was recharged with radiant energy from the Sun. As the bible details, the wise men followed the Star of David (Nibiru) to the birthplace of the infant Jesus. Both ancient and modern archeologists have diligently mapped out how the city of Jerusalem was critically aligned in relation to ‘The Crossing of Nibiru’ during this time.
But how does this really relate to Jesus? The Sumerian texts clearly state that the only way to secure one’s birthright as a supreme ruler, in the hierarchy of the Anunnaki, was for an Anunnaki male to mate with a half-sister. This arrangement enabled the mitochondrial Anunnaki DNA of the female, combined with the Anunnaki DNA of the male, to ensure that the offspring was of purely 'divine' Anunnaki origins. (I believe this sexual union activates the “junk DNA” we find in humans—giving the Anunnaki the higher intelligence and abilities known to the gods of old.) In similar fashion, Hebrews believe that a Jew must be born of a Jewish mother; while blue-blooded kings and princes carefully breed with only their blue-blooded counterparts. When we consider that the mother of Mary, a well-known Druid high-priestess, Anna of Glastonbury, was of ‘divine’ origins herself, then we have to ask ourselves, “Who really mated with Mary to produce Jesus?”
I believe that Anna of Glastonbury was the offspring of a Messianic lineage that can be traced back to Odin and the Runes. Most certainly, in my mind, ‘Odin the Wanderer’ was ‘Marduk the Wanderer’, and the Runic alphabet is a product of the original Anunnaki cuneiform language. There are documented accounts of Jesus visiting his grandmother Anna in Glastonbury (once as a boy and once as a young man) while accompanying his step-father Joseph to the silver mines in England. In fact, many believe the first Church initiated by Jesus was in Glastonbury—not Jerusalem. If this is true, then one might conclude that Anna of Glastonbury must have been the embodiment of the Anunnaki goddess IN.ANNA—her name meaning, “AN’s Beloved.” She was loved by the highest-level Anunnaki god AN/Anu.
So, I will be the first to come right out and say it. The passing of Nibiru around 0 A.D., during The Crossing, was the perfect opportunity for the Anunnaki god Marduk (or, perhaps, his son Nabu) to impregnate Mary, daughter of Anna, to propagate the next ‘divine’ Anunnaki lineage here on Earth. It is for this reason that Jesus, like Marduk, bears so many honorary titles: ‘King of Kings’; ‘Lord of Lords’; ‘Son of Man’; ‘Son of God’; and so on. Marduk was honored with these exact same titles by Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians alike. Do I believe in Jesus? Most certainly I do. Jesus truly was the son of a so-called "god", a god born of the 'Father of Mankind', EN.KI. Furthermore, I believe that Jesus bore children with one or more women in his lifetime for the sole purpose of continuing the royal lineage handed to him. How could he not? Did Jesus converse with God the Father? Of course, he did. Whether that Holy Father was Nabu, Marduk, or EN.KI himself...  is anyone’s guess.
Jesus possessed all the ‘divine’ qualities that the Anunnaki gods exhibited in the ancient Sumerian texts. Healing; Prophesy; reviving the Dead; Resurrection; and Ascension into Heaven. We know that Jesus had direct knowledge of the "heavenly realm" even before his final ascension. So, in strict adherence to the Stonehenge and the Zodiac Calendar closely monitored by the Anunnaki, Jesus heralded in the Age of Pisces, the Fish, and he was instrumental in maintaining a Judea-Christian EN.KI majority rule for the coming 2,150 year astronomical cycle. If crucifixion was his divine Destiny, then Jesus Christ served his purpose here on Earth with the bravery and fortitude of a god above all gods. I believe we should all take his message to heart as one of the few 'good' things the Anunnaki have done for Mankind. Hey, does that make me an Enki-ite? 

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