Friday, May 24, 2013

Legacy of the Anunnaki

435,000 B.C.

AN – (“The Heavenly One”; Anu in Akkadian “God of Heaven”)

NIN.MAH, daughter of AN/Anu – (“Mighty Lady”; Egypt’s Hathor “the Cow”), her title was Chief Medical Officer; she never married

E.A., son of AN/Anu (“Whose Home is Water”; EN.KI “Lord of Earth”; Egypt’s PTAH “The Creator of all things”); his task was to organize the gold mining operations in southeastern Africa (AB.ZU)

> >  MAR.DUK, son of E.A./EN.KI (“Son of the Pure Mound”; Egypt’s RA “The Pure One”)

EN.LIL, son of AN/Anu (“Lord of the Command”; Chief of Operations); he founded  E.DIN (“Home of the Righteous Ones”); his task was to establish additional settlements, each with a specific function: a space-port, a Mission Control Center (DUR.AN.KI, or “Bond Heaven Earth”), a metallurgical center, a medical center, and landing beacons.

Council of the Great Gods – a Cabinet of Ministers, Seven Gods of Destiny. The most crucial and fateful decisions are made whereby discussions and debates often become heated. The creation of The Adam was a subject so discussed. And also after the Deluge, when the remnants of Mankind began to fill the Earth again, the Anunnaki negotiated how to give mankind the gift of civilization, and institute Kingship, as a way to deal with the growing human masses.
Assembly of the Gods – a Parliament/Congress of 50 Sr. Fate-decreeing Gods from Eridu (Earth), Igigi (Mars) and Nibiru. They meet in an Assembly Hall where they are known to wine and dine extravagantly. They made the decision to wipe Mankind off the face of the Earth at the time of the Deluge (Ishtar was a member of this Assembly of the Gods). Meetings turn somber when the Seven Gods of Destiny enter the Assembly Hall (the “Seven Great Gods Who Judge”; similar to our U.S. Supreme Court). The Assembly of Gods made the decision to use nuclear weapons to destroy Sumeria.
Kingship – The gods bestow on him a scepter, a throne and a most resplendent royal robe. “From this day,” they announce, “thy decree shall be unrivaled, thy command as that of Anu, and no one among the gods shall transgress thy boundaries!” A poem was written by Babylonian King Hammurabi describing how Marduk was made King:

Lofty Anu,
Lord of the gods who from heaven to Earth came,
and Enlil, Lord of heaven and Earth
who determines the destinies of the land,
Determined for Marduk, the firstborn of Enki,
the Enlil-functions over all mankind.
Marduk, of all the gods of antiquity, he set a record in suffering and setbacks, of disappearances and reappearances, of exiles and returns, of apparent death and unexpected resurrection. When the full scope of the events concerning Marduk became known, after the discovery of ancient inscriptions, scholars seriously debated at the turn of this century whether his story was a prototype of the story of Christ. We have Marduk and his heavenly father Enki, we have Christ and his Father in heaven, and we also have Heimdal and his father Odin in Asgard. Marduk was found guilty by the Assembly of Gods for the death of his brother Dumuzi. He was sentenced to die a slow death of entombment in a pyramid; but he was later forgiven by the gods and resurrected from his pyramid ‘tomb’ and allowed to live out his life. An annual New Year’s ceremony, a Mystery Play, was once acted out in Babylon depicting Marduk’s death and his return from the dead.
Resurrection – in terms of resurrection, there are numerous accounts in which the gods were brought back to life after they had been dead for some time. The following poem depicts goddess Inanna being brought back to life via the use of some kind of radiation—a Pulser, and Emitter:
Upon the corpse, hung from the stake,
they directed the Pulser and the Emitter.
Upon the flesh that had been smitten,
sixty times the Food of Life,
sixty times the Water of Life,
they sprinkled upon it;
And Inanna arose. 
So, historically, it was Inanna who was truly resurrected by Enki (by some kind of ‘agents’ working on behalf of Enki). Marduk had never actually died before being released from his pyramid ‘tomb’. And, yet, there is no Mystery Play or mention of a resurrection pertaining to Inanna (i.e. only Lazarus and Jesus in the biblical texts).
Egyptian Resurrection – The so-called resurrection of Osiris may have been, by written accounts, an incredible journey through underground tunnels and caverns that took him to an underground launch silo in the Sinai peninsula. This launch facility is clearly depicted in the tomb of Hui—a pharaonic governor of the Sinai peninsula. So Osiris ascending to heaven may, in fact, be his remains being sent to Nibiru to be buried with the gods in the heavenly realm. In answer to the desperate prayers of Isis, the god Thoth extracted the ‘essence’ of the dead Osiris and impregnated Isis such that she bore her son Horus. In this case, the ‘essence’ was not Osiris’ semen but, instead, his genetic DNA that Thoth used to breed a new Osiris in the same way that Enki created the first Adam-man. This had to be the case because Osiris dismembered genitals were never found after he had died.
Years later, Isis called upon Thoth again to resurrect her son Horus when she found him dead by a sting of a poisonous scorpion. In this case, it is hard to imagine the following account which took place as a result of Isis’ prayers:

Then Isis sent forth a cry to heaven
and addressed her appeal to the
Boat of Million of Years...
And Thoth came down;
He was provided with magical powers,
and possessed the great power which made
the word turn into deed...

And he said to Isis:
I have come this day in the Boat of the Celestial Disc
from the place where it was yesterday.
When the night cometh,
this Light (beam) shall drive away (the poison)
for the healing of Horus...
I have come from the skies to save the child
for his mother. 
Under World vs. Upper World – there are many references to the African gold mines (AbZu) as the Under World in ancient texts. There were sophisticated dwellings in which both Anunnaki and men were housed deep beneath the surface where the mines were located. The Upper World is thus where Eridu lies, the abode of Enki. This makes sense when we know that Enki was chosen to rule the African gold mines of AbZu after he cast lots with Anu and Enlil to make that fateful decision. Whoever (or whatever) brought Inanna back to life did so in the Under World. The ancient texts state: “Having resurrected Inanna/Ishtar, they accompanied her on her safe return to the Upper World. Awaiting her was her faithful chamberlain Ninshubur. She had many words of gratitude for him. Then she went to Eridu, the abode of Enki who had brought her back to life.” So it appears that Enki lived a nice, cozy life above ground. This brings an entirely different meaning to the terms Under World, Hell and Purgatory. Perhaps being “damned to Hell” simply meant that you were sentenced to a life of hard labor in the gold mines. Could it be that there are great underground civilizations that still exist in some kind of hidden Under World today? And does a heavenly realm, Nibiru, still exist to this day?
African Americans – When it comes to skin-color, the root of much prejudice here on Earth, it appears to me that the Anunnaki inter-bred with whatever bipeds they encountered in a particular geographic region. For example, in Northern Europe we had the white-skinned Nordics, in Mesopotamia we had the bronze-skinned ancestors of Abraham, in the Far East we had the yellow-skinned Asians, and in Africa we had the black-skinned people who worked the gold mines of AbZu. Hence, it stands to reason that the geographically oriented bipeds ‘evolving’ 430,000 years ago possessed the respective skin-tones that we still see today.
With respect to the African Americans, it is obvious that the first "man" created by EN.KI was a black man in the African gold mines AbZu. We have detailed accounts that EN.KI brought the first "Adam" back to the gardens of E.DIN (the holy grounds near the city of Nippur) to present his creation to EN.LIL who was, at that time, the Commander of Eridu (Earth). EN.LIL was infuriated over EN.KI's unauthorized genetic engineering, and the Adam-man (Adamu) was cast out of E.DIN with no "knowledge" of why he was rejected by the Lord Commander. It wasn't until later that the creation of Mankind was eventually accepted by EN.LIL and the Anunnaki rulers as necessary to the productivity of the their mission on Earth.
Soon after, EN.KI created the first Eve for the first Adam and Mankind began to multiply in numbers within the AbZu region. The Africans  mastered the art of working the gold mines and, as a result, they fully adapted to living underground in the Under World. They were an intelligent and productive people who acquired, over time, the technology and science of the Anunnaki gods. It is most fortunate that they acquired such knowledge, and the ability to survive, since the Anunnaki abandoned the Earth and left Mankind behind to perish after the decision was made to use nuclear weapons to destroy the civilizations of Sumeria and, subsequently, the surrounding areas.
Thus begins the grudge-match between the Anunnaki gods and the black-skinned Africans recorded throughout Incan and Mayan history. Around the same time that the ‘coast was clear’ and the Anunnaki returned to Earth, there are numerous accounts of the black-skinned Africans traveling to the Americas to start their own advanced civilizations. Iconic statues and megaliths depicting black African gods in central and south America clearly present this case.  It was pure revenge against the Anunnaki for leaving the AbZu workers behind to perish, when ancient texts describe how the black-skinned African gods began hunting down the white-skinned Anunnaki gods and killing them where they stood.

Native American Indians – We can now compare the time-line of Native American history and biblical Hebrew history to uncover a most surprising correlation—with Sumerian history being the proverbial ‘missing link’. It is highly probable that, just as the visions of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon professed, the blood-line of Cain through the sons of Noah continued to be clearly distinguished—with the blood-line of Cain exiled to become the Native American Indians in North America. (This accepted genealogy is detailed in Genesis 4:16-23 and 5:21-29.) I suggest that Noah had more than one wife in his lifetime; and more than one female accompanied Noah on The Ark during the Great Flood. 
As Noah had several wives, I suggest that the Cain blood-line could still be identified by the biblical “mark of Cain”; specifically ‘no facial hair’ and ‘red skin-tone’. Since the Anunnaki, the Pharaohs, and the Hebrews all portrayed their wisdom and divinity via their prominent beards, this “mark of Cain” was truly an insult to bear.  The golden tablets handed down to Joseph Smith that became the Book of Mormon were likely the only items that the Cain bloodline and their descendants brought with them from Mesopotamia to the New World. 
The term “God and Country” originates from the miraculous accounts of ‘divine’ intervention which enabled George Washington to defeat the much larger British forces and establish the new America. These miraculous accounts were nothing more than Anunnaki intervention, embodied by the Messianic-Christian gods, to include a foothold over the sons of Cain who had already populated the territory. We know the Native American Indians bore the “mark of Cain”; but they also existed in accordance with the “curse of Cain” as detailed in Genesis 4:11-16 which declared that they would live as “fugitives”... “wanderers”... and “never be able to fully grow and reap the riches of the Earth”. 
To be blunt, the Native American Indians were robbed, killed and deceived as part of a biblical Destiny to suppress the sons of Cain until the end of time. However, the bible also warns of what would happen to anyone who brings harm to the sons of Cain. Perhaps, this is precisely why the U.S. government eventually set aside lands for the Native American Indians to live in peace among themselves—separate and apart from the rest of the world. It is difficult to wrap our minds around the broader scheme of things; especially when we think in terms of years, decades and centuries. But we must always keep in mind that for the Anunnaki, and for the ancients of old in the biblical texts, a thousand years on Earth equal less than one year on Nibiru.
In parallel accounts, we also have the migration of black-skinned gods into the southern and central Americas; and possibly even as far north as Mexico and Arizona. It has already been mentioned that the Africans had acquired the knowledge of the gods and that they had adapted to living underground (in the Under World). And it was also mentioned how the Africans had migrated to central and south America to start civilizations of their own. As an additional correlation, to this day, the Native American Indians speak of an ancient race of people, the Ant People, who lived in an elaborate network of tunnels and caves underground. 
Recently, a repository of ancient artifacts were uncovered in the Grand Canyon caves of Arizona which can only be described as Egyptian (or Sumerian). Did these artifacts belong to the black-skinned Ant People? Did they belong to the red-skinned blood-line of Cain? Or did the artifacts belong to the first Anunnaki who established new civilizations across the entire planet? Perhaps this significant and ‘divine’ location in Arizona was known to all three generations. 
Judea-Christendom -  It is not just the Native American Indians, the sons of Cain, who have experienced the wrath of God. I suggest that Adolf Hitler was an EN.LIL pawn that was manipulated to fulfill the biblical prophesies stated in Deuteronomy 28:20-68. These Old Testament scriptures are part of the infamous “blessings and curses” written to warn the Jews of what would happen should they stray from God and the Laws of their faith. Do I like what Hitler did? No, I do not. Did 6 million Jews deserve to die at the hands of a maniac? In my opinion, no they did not. But this serves as one more example of how the “word of God” will come to full fruition... regardless of Mankind’s desires and objectives. Somewhat disconcerting to all Jews and Christians, it appears that the god of Judea-Christendom, EN.KI, gave his Secular brother EN.LIL full authority in the creation of a Nazi-Hitler to exercise such wrath !!! Could this mean that they work hand-in-hand when the need arises?  Of course it does.   

America’s “founding fathers” were all Freemason, including George Washington. The organizations Knights Templar, the Masons, the Skull & Bones Society, the Illuminati, the British Royal Family and the Vatican are products of a Messianic-Christendom whose royal lineage can be traced back to Anunnaki roots (specifically, EN.KI and Marduk). These ‘secret’ organizations have enjoyed a constant intercourse with American politics and economics from the beginning. The Freemasons have a ceremony of initiation handed down to them from the Knights Templar that includes: a noose around the neck, a slipper on one foot and the other trouser-leg rolled up to the knee. This is a clear depiction of Mankind as a literal ‘slave’ to a higher authority, the Anunnaki. It makes sense that our Founding Fathers and most of our U.S. Presidents were Freemasons. They understood completely what their role on Earth demanded-- to serve the Anunnaki agenda.
After-life - There remains so much confusion related to the after-life; particularly when it comes to how the Egyptians mummified their Pharaohs in pyramid tombs. Sumerian texts often related how the Anunnaki could literally be resurrected from the dead; and how they were often transported back to the heavenly realm. The Egyptian Pharaohs, however, could not accept that they themselves lived during the period of the “Fifth Sun” in which kings were mere mortal men. In hopes of re-enacting the resurrection of their Sumerian god-ancestors, the Egyptians invented a process by which their kings might also meet a similar heavenly fate. In the same way that the Anunnaki loaded their spaceships with food and possessions before making the long and dangerous trip back to the heavenly realm (Nibiru), the Egyptians also surrounded their mummified Pharaohs with food, money and worldly possessions in preparation for their ‘trip’. It is sad to think how crude the Egyptians were in their interpretation of ancient Sumerian history. They killed the Pharaoh’s spouse, his mistress, his dog, and his servants so that they all could accompany the Pharaoh on his celestial journey. I believe the concept of an ‘after-life’ that we embellish today might be as crude and simplistic as the Egyptian version. Ultimately, it all comes down to Mankind's unceasing desire to live like the Anunnaki... forever and ever. Or, at least, for hundreds of thousands of years.
Day of Judgment – in reference to that Final Day, the Day of Judgment, in which our hearts and deeds are measured by God; it appears that this all stems from ancient Sumerian texts detailing a cyclical revolution of Nibiru entering our Solar System approximately every 3600 years. That is when AN/Anu drops by to check out things here on Earth. This process of ‘inspecting’ or ‘auditing’ the Earth could also involve Enlil, Enki, or any of the gods for that matter. My guess is that Jesus was actually Marduk, “The Pure One”, and that it will be Marduk who drops by again. I do not discount the fact that someday the gods will return to reward the righteous and condemn the evil-doers here on Earth. That is to say, those of us who are actually living at the time. However, considering that the gods live to be thousands of years old on Nibiru, in relation to Earth years, it seems that their mission would more likely be to check things out and evaluate the progress Earth has made. The whole concept of resurrecting the dead to cast damned souls into a “lake of fire” seems a bit dramatic considering that nothing of the kind ever occurred during the 432,000 years the Anunnaki lived here on Earth. However, the gods did kill off mankind with The Flood, and they also destroyed their own civilizations in Sumeria with nuclear bombs; so there is no telling what they might do the next time they decide to pay Earth a visit!

Communication and Prayer – the Sumerian and Vedic texts describe glowing emerald screens, the Tablet of Destinies, were used by the Anunnaki to communicate with themselves on Eridu (Earth), Igigi (Mars) and Nibiru (the heavenly realm). There are also accounts in which the lower gods speak directly with the higher gods to plead their case in matters of crisis—without any mention of traveling anywhere to do so. With this in mind, it seems that the Anunnaki had ‘internet’ and ‘cellular’ technology that enabled them to video-conference with each other on their iPads. Following many of these video conference calls, the gods would rush to Earth to remedy the crisis. This being the case, the entire concept of “praying” to the gods has been dramatically misconstrued in modern times. In ancient times, the Anunnaki would cry out to the higher gods and their prayers would be heard—literally. Today, unless we posses a device that can actually communicate with the gods in heaven, the cries and prayers of Mankind are severely muted by the lack of technology. Unless, of course, there truly are ‘angels’ and ‘agents’ of the gods who exist here on Earth and they watch over us and act on our behalf?

Megaliths, Monoliths and Stonehenge – the Sumerian and Vedic texts contain parallel accounts of a dispute between two warring factions (EN.KI vs EN.LIL) that resulted in a nuclear holocaust. The chronology of events clearly indicates that, following the destruction of the vital sacred sites in Sumeria, the Anunnaki had lost a significant portion of their technology. The various Stonehenge sites, the astral-aligned megaliths, and the directional monoliths we find around the world were a “manual” alternative for the Anunnaki to utilize. These same well-known sites eventually became the “manual” alternative for Mankind to use during the times when the Anunnaki were nowhere to be found. A good example of this is when Marduk claimed that his time for Rule on Earth had come. When the astrologically-aligned Stonehenge site in Sumeria was consulted, Marduk was disappointed to find that the Earth was still in the zodiac time of Taurus—and Marduk’s time of the Ram would not come for several more centuries. Eventually, these same megaliths, monoliths and Stonehenge sites were used to watch for significant astral-alignments and, most importantly, the next arrival of Nibiru (The Crossing).

As an afterthought, I ponder the correlation between Marduk 'the Ram' and Jesus Christ 'the Lamb'-- the young lamb born of a paternal ram lineage? Could the original Trilogy refer to an then Marduk... then Nabu lineage?  A blue-blood god dynasty that precedes the birth of Jesus Christ would certainly render him such titles as "lord of lords" and "king of kings" wouldn't it? Perhaps, the royal lineage is what Jesus Christ inherited. A trilogy of fore-bearers. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting detailed interpretations here, thanks.
