Friday, May 31, 2013

What REALLY Caused the Great Depression

Anyone taking a cursory glance at my blog and immediately concluding that my research is simply one more attempt to prove the existence of UFOs, well, they are making a very weak assumption. My intentions are to take the monumental works of Zechariah Sitchin, Michael Tellinger and Gerald Clark to the next level—in relation to modern day. This blog post, ‘The REAL Cause of the Great Depression’, may be the most important entry in my series; as I endeavor to speak for a generation of Americans who can no longer speak for themselves. The best way I can relay this message is to discuss what I call the “The Herbert Hoover Chronology”  below: 


o  Herbert Hoover was a Mining Engineer with no political experience whatsoever. He is elected President and immediately begins stockpiling the largest known store of gold reserves in modern-day history. At this time, the U.S. was storing gold reserves in underground facilities between two national parks near the towns of Ithaca and Freeville New York. There were auxiliary underground storage facilities in Pennsylvania as well. This was before the U.S. transferred all gold reserves to the Yucca Mountain facility in southern Nevada in 1997.
o  Great Britain and the Vatican, for no apparent reason, transfer all their gold reserves to the United States. This move was so dramatic that England immediately proceeded to exit the Gold Standard while the Vatican became an independent Church-State, independent of Italy, in 1929. Unbeknownst to the average citizen, these rapid-fire sequence of events were monumental considering that they all occurred within a span of only one year. And they all took place the moment Hebert Hoover was elected President. 
o  Suddenly, the completely unanticipated Stock Market Crash of 1929 sends a shock-wave throughout the nation. Here is where the historians get a little confused; so allow me to clarify something here. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was caused by mass rumors that the U.S. was suddenly ‘insolvent’ and had no gold. This is exemplified by the fact that the FIRST run on U.S. banks was a run on GOLD. That’s right. The inside rumors were all saying, “Get your hands on gold... before there is no gold left to be found.” The speculators predicted that gold prices would skyrocket; and anyone possessing gold would be among the survivors. Someone in the Hoover Administration had "leaked" what was going on. 

o  Of course, the run on gold ended quickly when there was none to be found; and the subsequent run on the Banks entailed mass withdrawal of money deposits. This can be further substantiated in  Milton Friedman’s “A Monetary History of the United States”, co-written with Anna Schwartz. Their study advances the argument that what made the “great contraction” so severe was not the downturn in the business cycle, protectionism, or the 1929 Stock Market crash in themselves—but instead, according to Friedman, what plunged the country into a deep depression was the collapse of the banking system during three waves of panics over the 1930-1933 period.

o  There are no significant UFO sightings in the U.S. at this time (see one photo above).


o  It is in 1930 that the media blitz concerning UFO sightings commenced. Suddenly, there were hundreds of cases related to “little green men” and “tiny men in spacesuits” detailed in newspapers and radio broadcasts across the country. Yes, they are all on record; but this is merely a tactical diversion. All such sightings were a complete hoax and an intentional fabrication to discredit any future accounts of the arrival of the Anunnaki. These staged events are exactly why the World War II generation used the term “little green men” to mock any reference to the UFO phenomena. Without a doubt, this Hoover-controlled media smear campaign was most effective.

o  I am proud to be the first to correlate a series of fully documented UFO sightings in the Ithaca-Freeville New York area (June 1, 1930) which are exact duplicates of the Hudson Valley (1980’s) sightings and Phoenix Lights (1997, 2007) sightings. I have already discussed the significance of the Hudson Valley and Phoenix Lights events in prior blog posts.

Let us take a look at the official transcript of one such sighting on record:

“Very Large Triangle Shapped Object. Several other similar reports in the area have prompted me to report this sighting. On Freeville Rd, between Ithaca and Freeville, NY, a dark remote Rd at night, we witnessed a very, VERY large Triangular craft. The weather was clear and the night sky was spectacular for star gazing. There is very little artificial light in this area.At first, I notice a bright star with tiny flashes around it. I thought i was seeing satellite photos being taken. Then I noticed across from it, at a distance of possibly 100 feet, the same thing, and again at a third point, making a triangle shape.In between the lights, was darkness, no stars could be seen.As we watched, we could see this object, which may have been up to 2000 feet in the sky, was moving very slowly to the east.((NUFORC Note: Date of sighting is approximate. PD))”

o  Without a doubt, June 1, 1930 was the exact date when the U.S. loaded tons of gold onto the Anunnaki cargo ships that would transport the payload back to Nibiru. It is no great stretch to assume that it is the very large Triangular craft that are used as cargo ships by the Anunnaki. Obviously, the Triangular craft sighted in Ithaca and Freeville New York in 1930 were the exact same craft sighted in Hudson Valley New York in the 1980’s and then in Nevada and Arizona in 1997 and 2007. The exact same craft (see above photo).

o  Important to mention, before I investigated this Great Depression correlation I had already informed the reader in past blog posts that, prior to 1997, the U.S. stored their gold reserves in New York and Pennsylvania. I clearly stated that it wasn’t until 1997 that the U.S. relocated their gold reserves to the Yucca Mountain Facility in southern Nevada. I mention this only to support the credibility of my findings and what I know to be true. I only hope the reader can see this.
1931 – 1933

o  As the run on banks (currency, money deposits) continues from 1931 to 1933; the banking infrastructure crumbles to its knees and The Great Depression is a reality.

o  Hoover’s only proposed remedy was to suggest that all American citizens must hand over their personal gold to the U.S. Government. A tell-tale sign, indeed. Roosevelt mandated that the Federal Reserve hand over all its gold to the U.S. Treasury as stipulated in the Gold Reserves Act of 1934; but this was too little too late and I believe it was a futile attempt by Roosevelt to replenish the depleted gold reserves under Herbert Hoover’s watch. As always, the next wave of politicians believe that they can ‘legislate’ their way out of such crisis.

o  As the rest of the world watched and wondered how the United States could have fallen so quickly, Germany and Japan positioned themselves to take advantage of the irresistible opportunity to establish world dominance. This is precisely why I have stated in prior blog posts that when the Anunnaki pay us a visit World War is oftentimes the outcome. The mass depletion of international gold reserves renders nations and individuals scrambling to recover. The worldwide chaos that ensues is the reason why no one has the time, or the resources, to investigate what REALLY caused it all. Soon, the experts and consultants surface with ways to band-aid the symptoms without ever curing the disease. 
The high-ranking stock brokers and financiers jumped out of their office windows—not because they were broke—but because they caught wind of some kind of  incomprehensible ‘alien’ agenda.  Did stock brokers jump out of their office windows during the Stock Market crashes of 1987, 2002, or 2007? Of course not. The Stock Market crash of 1929 was a much larger issue than ‘money’; and it was America’s first encounter with the Anunnaki gold agenda. Richard Nixon was a Quaker, like Hoover, and he likely sought revenge against the Anunnaki before he had even reached the Oval Office.

I am surprised that no one has ever thought to take a step back and ‘Follow the Gold’.  I have always believed it was the best, if not the only, approach. I knew that if I were to follow the gold it would lead to conclusions that many are not ready to accept. So I waited. Perhaps, we are ‘programmed’ never to follow the gold to begin with? Nevertheless, I present to my readers definitive evidence that indicates, beyond any doubt, that the Anunnaki are still here... and they still need our GOLD. 


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