Saturday, May 25, 2013

True the History

The Anunnaki referred to themselves as “gods” and “goddesses” throughout the ancient texts; in the same way our politicians refer to themselves as “senator” and “governor”. Mankind, since the birth of the first Adam, learned to use the term “god” when referring to his master/creator the Anunnaki. Our forefathers from Nibiru adhered to a strict hierarchy, a ranking, of “gods” who ruled on both Nibiru and on Earth; with the number 60 assigned to the highest-level supreme ruler. Heretofore I have failed to mention that before the advent of Mankind there was a supreme ruler on Nibiru who was also the first Anunnaki to inhabit the Earth. This ruler embodied the number 60 as well as the title of “god over all gods”.

His name was Alalu; and the supreme ruler I have referred to in prior blog entries, AN/Anu, was once Alalu’s cup-bearer. To serve as cup-bearer to a supreme ruler implies that you are next in line to the throne—once the supreme ruler retires or dies. In due time, AN/Anu and his sons, EN.KI and EN.LIL, would eventually assume the throne. To everyone’s surprise, the young AN/Anu challenged Alalu (an aging ruler) to a wresting match. The much older Alalu fell to the ground; and AN/Anu victoriously took his place. Apparently, this was a time-honored convention on Nibiru—similar to the ancient role of Sumo wrestlers in Japan. What Alalu did next changed the course of history for the entire Solar System.

Since Alalu was truly old and wise, he recalled the times when the planet Earth (Tiamat) was first formed. The generation of Alalu once observed, from an astral vantage, how the Earth was laced with brilliant veins of gold that permeated the entire planet. Though gold was not found on Nibiru, the Anunnaki were well aware of the unique properties of this versatile metal; and these unique properties could very well be what was needed to restore the decaying atmosphere (ozone layer) on their planet. So Alalu, humiliated by his defeat, took possession of a spacecraft and fled Nibiru. His destination— the planet Earth!

Upon his arrival, Alalu immediately began to pan for gold on Earth. When he found trace evidence of the metal in the rivers and streams, Alalu called back to Nibiru and proclaimed himself the “Savior of Nibiru!” Alalu then suggested that his discovery was so significant that he should re-gain the throne and the title of supreme ruler. The governing council on Nibiru were both surprised and elated to say the least; and they sent AN/Anu’s son EN.KI, with a handful of supporting scientists, to verify Alalu’s claim. Oddly enough, once Alalu’s discovery was verified, AN/Anu traveled to Earth and challenged Alalu, once again, to a wrestling match. Again, Alalu lost and he was transported back to Nibiru in shame.

So let me get this straight. Alalu was the first “god” on Earth; the first Anunnaki to inhabit the Earth; the first to find “gold” on Earth; and he was the first to propose the use of gold to repair the decaying atmosphere on Nibiru. And yet he gets absolutely no credit for his efforts? In the eyes of the Anunnaki, once Alalu was usurped by AN/Anu via that first wrestling match, everything henceforth that Alalu did was to no avail. Really? This poor guy got royally shafted; and it seems to me that he would be harboring a monumental grudge.

It is obvious to me that this is where Muhammad, Islam, and the Muslim god Allah come into play. After watching EN.KI and EN.LIL reap their geopolitical rewards on Earth, the descendants of Alalu decided to make a last minute power-play a few short decades after Christianity was established as the official global church-state inside the Vatican Palace around 514 A.D. (Notice how Muslims will build a mosque right next to, or on top of, any Jewish temple or Christian church-- especially in Jerusalem.)  And I can’t say I blame them. If you wonder why Muslims inherently disregard Jews and Christians—it is because Jews and Christians follow the offspring of EN.KI. If you wonder why Muslims rebuke the authoritative Secularist governments—it is because the Secularists follow the offspring of EN.LIL. When we evaluate the constructs of Islam, such as Jihad and Sharia Law, it is obvious that Alalu is proposing an entirely different set of rules—separate and apart from his adversaries EN.KI and EN.LIL.
It’s bad enough that Mankind must succumb to the constant discord between the two brothers EN.KI and EN.LIL— between Enki-ites and Enlil-ites on Earth. When we add a third flash in the pan, the rise of Islam, it has the signature of a severely mistreated Alalu written all over it. Technically, we could say that Iraq and the Holy Land belong to the Muslims, the followers of Allah/Alalu, for the aforementioned reasons. (I draw such conclusions though I am not a Muslim). Unfortunately, throughout history we witness one person make a discovery… and then someone else take all the credit. The Nation of Islam was initiated by the offspring of Alalu—the original supreme ruler and the first Anunnaki “god” on Earth. Without a doubt, the prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Alalu. Similar to Jesus Christ, Muhammad possessed all the ‘divine’ qualities that the Anunnaki gods exhibited in the ancient Sumerian texts. Healing; Prophesy; Resurrection; and Ascension into Heaven. We know that Muhammad had direct knowledge of the heavenly realm even before his final ascension. 
Not to contradict myself here, in prior blog posts I have stated that it is the sons of EN.LIL who sponsored the rise of Islam in Mesopotamia; and this is still true. The sons of EN.LIL perceived Islam as a means to thwart the dominating presence of Judaism and Christianity; hence, the reason Secularists today remain sympathetic to the Nation of Islam in many regards. Barrack Obama is clearly one such Enlil-ite Secularist. But, in the end, it is all three—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—whose origins stem from the never-ending power struggles between the Anunnaki “gods”. Is not this latter statement reason enough for Mankind to reconsider a more peaceful alternative here on Earth?
So I leave the reader with one last thought; a spontaneous notion. Is it the name “Allah”, or the name “Alalu”, that we hear Muslim women chanting in high-pitched tones:


  1. Thank you for sharing......Yes! it all made perfect sense to me! I enjoyed ur blog very much. Keep the good work.

  2. Aha! Till now I thought Islam is moon god suen's come cult, you just opened another shaft in the rabbit hole, and am glad to explore!! Keep them posts coming.

  3. Well this text totally opposes the teachings of Islam. If Allah is Alalu, then why was He defeated by someone else, as He says that he is the most powerful. And if He is Alalu then why He says that he can control each and everything of this universe while Alalu's superiority was taken over by Anunnaki. This concept is totally against Islam's concept.

    1. I am no expert on the Quoran or the modern or ancient practice of Islam. However, I do have a number decades of study in regards to the Anunnaki, Alalu, Anu, Enki and Enlil. Your last question was "...wile Alalu's superiority was taken over by Anunnaki.[?]" Anunnaki (simplist form) means The People of Anu, which is really The People from Nibiru. Anu being a patriarch/bloodline and Nibiru being the heavenly body (planet) that the Anunnaki come from. I am making this distinction because Alalu is the same people from the same place, he is just from another family.

      Another frame of reference is time. If I am not mistaken, the Anunnaki, including Alalu are about 250000 years ahead of us. Their planet, Nibiru only comes through our solar system every 3600 years or so. And these characters in the Cunieform text lived for so long, each "episode" of interaction was spread out with a 3600 year intermission. Scroll up to the original poster's quote of "Since Alalu was truly old and wise, he recalled the times when the planet Earth (Tiamat) was first formed." This would make Alalu 4.5 or 5 Billion + years old [today]. I can't imagine what it would be like to live for that long and know all that you would know at that age.

      Your we vs them comments are short sighted. The religion of Allah/Alalu sprung up shortly after Christianity-YHVH-Anu suggests that multi-Billion year old being known earlier as Alalu and perhaps today as Allah, even after suffering the persecution of The Anunnaki Bloodline was still powerful enough in recent history to inspire a major religion to give the finger to the Judaeo-Christian World.

      It is hard to think of "the Gods" as something other than "GOD" because that is how religion works, but if Alalu/Allah was conscious of the time when the Earth was forming and knew from memory of its precious gold - to humanity he IS A GOD. Here is a mental test for anyone who wishes to reconcile the extremely magical thinking of the idea and or belief of "GOD" and the more logical/scientific thinking of the study of the origins of the gods, based on texts, artifacts, translations, pyramids, etc: In the most ancient texts for any culture, the story says The God or Gods walked among men. You could see Him or Them. Currently, all we can do is invent religions and hope we keep the story straight after thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or in Alalu's case billions of years. If you had a choice, would you rather have just faith because someone interpreted a book for you to inspire your blind faith or would you rather have Faith and Experience based on direct interaction and or participation with Your God and His Followers?

      I've never heard the Alalu/Allah idea before and I don't know what I think about that; however, I do know what I think about my mental test. I would rather have direct experiences like the followers of old, than to just keep reprinting a book over and over and over hoping by reading it for the 10000th time, I'll find a way to heaven. Religious Blind Faith is the same as Guessing and Hoping Your Right. True experience, being healed, living for 1000 years, learning some of what the Gods knew - that is BEYOND BELIEF, that is living the truth. Hope my long thought helps your resistance to Alanu/Allah perceptions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. In the "Lost Book of Enki" it says that Alalu died on Mars.

    4. It doesn't mean that it wasn't true, my brother. Every single religious text has been through the hands of many ambitious and powerful people. They've altered so many things. This blew my mind away when I first discovered it. Everything makes sense with the Anunnaki. Of course each Anunnaki leader will say and claim they are almighty and all powerful. We were made to follow and worship them. There's more to our existence as humankind than we know. We have to go beyond the surface. God bless.

  4. Well this text totally opposes the teachings of Islam. If Allah is Alalu, then why was He defeated by someone else, as He says that he is the most powerful. And if He is Alalu then why He says that he can control each and everything of this universe while Alalu's superiority was taken over by Anunnaki. This concept is totally against Islam's concept.

  5. Muhammad was the bloodline of Abraham and so was Jesus (from Mary) and Moses... Muhammad is mentioned in the the Gospel of barnabas as the last prophet christians are to follow, Muhammad is mentionded in the Torah.... You should atleast have read the letter Muhammad wrote to all the Christians before making your statements so lame and illogical, i feel intellectually disgusted taking to you. This is what happens when you introduce spirituality to attention seeking, greedy corporate assholes like you and myself. Hope you ever get your head out of your ass brother. Namaste motherfucker!

    1. Your reply was intense. Knowing something non-standard can be an excellent source of self-fulfillment. What inspired your harsh words to Waqar? My thoughts on the topic of discouragement and harsh words is that if enough of humanity could learn "better" than the dull, non-nonsensical blueprints of major religions (Bible, Koran, Torah, Dianetics) perhaps that would lead to new sciences and breakthroughs and understandings of the world created for us, so we can create the world we want.

  6. someone is drunk....coming out with all this Annunaki dribble. Islam is the last religion and will supersede all other religions/cults whether they like it or not...Allahu Akbar to that!!! :-))

    1. Alalu akhbar. ...hehehe.


    2. All religion and politics are dogma and will eventually dissipate as humanity chooses to accept Truth.
      Fuck religion fuck govt. Live life and be free!

    3. If anyone here is truely enlightened. They will know that god is simply the conciousness of the universe. It is aware of it self but has nothing to fear so it is in a constant state of bliss. Any prophets that give false advice that are meant to obstuct happiness, are false. God wants no suffering but only helps those who help themselves because fear and anxiety are not natural. There are many 5th dimensional beings in our universe but they are not gods. Simply more evolved than us. We must begin to waken our 3rd eye and cleanse the world of evil and false prophets who condone slavery. We must strive to make all men and women equal so we can evolve into a global conciousness and unlock the 4th and 5th dimensions of our reality!

  7. islam will do no such thing. you're clearly ignorant about science. all religions are about to be obliterated on such a large scale the whole world will know it. that day is approaching and I cannot wait. I'm sick to death of religious assholes constantly arguing and claiming their god is better and backing bloody wars where innocent children are seen as "collateral damage."

  8. wow you're the most retarded guy.....never read anything so stupid or so retarded....alalu en ek these r being existing for billions of years? try harder if u wanna bring down islam..this stuff is laughable..islam n christianity has same roots...stop doin crack pal

  9. It should be quite evident by now that the earth was inhabited by extraterrestrials in the past and that humans are their creation. Yahweh as well as the entity that Mohammed encountered or the many 'gods' of the Hindus are some of those beings. To think that the ultimate god - the creator of the universe - would have any interest or inclination to come down to earth and hide behind smoke screens and speak through intermediaries like angels etc is laughable.

    Even if I'm wrong What is worse is that non-thinking people can't seem to get it into their heads that vested interests have distorted everything and have manipulated humans to serve their purpose by supposed "interpretations" of the "divine" message/s.

    Unfortunately, this still happens today and will continue till people start thinking for themselves.

    As a wise man once said "whenever someone asks you to do something ask yourself what their motive is".

  10. This article is bs.. you have NO EVIDENCE to support your claim that Allah is Alalu except The names almost sounds the same... And on top of that Islam and the Nation of Islam are not the same genius. The Nation of Islam is rejected in Islam and they just came into existence recently in the 1900's in America with the focus beliefs to only uplift black people. For you to call Islam and the Nation of Islam as the same let's me know you have no idea what you're talking about. You went from a tile They are not gods to focusing on discrediting Muslims with false information and no proof.. and the said part looking at the comments people are actually buying this bs

    1. It is clear to see that no matter the concept or ideology about god, the divine. Creator of the universe. The allmighty, the saviour. We are left here on earth with numerous ideas and wonderful theories from where we come from fascinting histories with stories that point back to a superior race thats intellect was much higher then we can imagine. To actually understand the past mankind must be able to over come hatred and mis understanding between all peoples relig and cultures. I ask all people in the World today raise your hands and pray to God. Or gods. Are they listening? Just yesterday how many people died. Or are suffering. And if God is there where are his blessing are reward for prayers. We see the wrath of God daily. But truly this is the wrath of religion. No religion is from God. Man kind wrote it from past histories events and messages to his prophets. Everyone has a right to express themselves in how they perceive how the universe was made and guess how it will end. But truly we know planet earths doom is not far. With war global warming and man made diseases. It just a matter of time before another war for total control is created again for greed of power. The past civilizations have proven the annunaki covenant is true.

  11. Allah is far Exalted above what you associate with Him

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The article is based on others who think they know about the Annunaki.
      You must first read Zecharia Sitchin's translations of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets. His first book "The 12th Planet" published in 1976. So many people like the author here get their information from fragments of articles of others, and by talking to religious leaders who know absolutely nothing about the Annunaki. I have read the Quran and Allah is SATAN. Allah's mandates are all opposite to the bible. Alllah is all about convert or die. Read all of Zecharia Sitchins work. He is one of about 200 people in the world that has the ability to translate the tablets. To date no one of these people has opposed Zecharia's work. But, many who rely on other peoples OPINIONS (without having read Zecharia's work) just continue to propagate errors. GO TO THE SOURCE.
      Do your proper diligence.

    2. You're funny, Satan and God are one and the same. Two aspects of the same being. Ask Jung he'll tell you the same.

  13. I've heard about Annunaki a long time ago. I think the story is interesting. Combined with the whole ancient astronaut theory, chariots of Gods etc, get me thinking and trying to relate as many religious and scientific knowledge that I know.

    I am a Muslim btw.

    The whole story about Annunaki seems very interesting actually, but for me, personally, I come to a conclusion that the Annunaki are nothing more than a race of human being wayyyyy long AFTER Adam and Eve was created.

    From my point of view, if the Pharaohs of Encient Egypt can call themselves God, then why not a race of ancient Sumeria claim the same?

    They may have come from a distant land, perhaps another continent and mate with the locals in Sumeria and say that the new multi racial baby as his creation. As simple as that.

    I mean, come on, an Alien race, came to earth and splicing existing creature to become an enhanced version known as human, seriously?

    Who creates the Aliens then? Who creates the creature that the Alien was so busy splicing? Who created Nibiru, who created earth?

    isn't that too redundant? trying to figure out who created humans yet you dont know who created the creator of humans while the religious scriptures already clearly said God created humans from clay n thats that.

    Humans. Love to find an answer to a question that has already been answered.

    The Quran, Old Testament and even (if I'm not mistaken Bhagavad Githa) has spoken about the creation of Adam and Eve. How God created Adam from clay and how Eve was created from one of his ribs (obviously to get the genetic material).

    The story of Annunaki, Nibiru and human creation is based on what Zecharia Sitchin wrote in his book, whereby not even one person can claim that they really do completely understand ancient Sumeria yet Zecharia manage to translate those texts and people want to believe in him?

    There are 3 or 4 other sources that explains of human creation and exile to earth which makes more sense.

    Honestly, I'm not a very good Muslim practitioner. I drink, I smoke, and I'm very open minded BUT I really do believe what the Quran says because so far, many of what the Quran says has been proven scientifically. e.g: At the early stage of pregnancy, the foetus resembles a leech. Science has proven that without doubt and there are so many other proofs that I am more than happy to provide if anyone is inetrested to know.

    For me, Quran is just an updated version of Old Testament written in a different language :)

    1. Divine knowledge makes no sense to man as Mundane knowledge is Nonsense to the Divine. If it makes sense it's human, if not Divine. Allat was a woman who became Allah, because arrogant men won't lower there eyes and bow to a woman. They all pray to an alien stone. That's their true God, a Meteorite. All people who align with any middle eastern religion Jew Christian Muslim Hindu care more about possession and title than they do about love and life.

  14. Alalu /allah no doubt is the same being. Real God don't need to be worshipped. Real god should not have ego . But Allah aka Alalu demanded human to bow to him 5 times a day. He is also temperamental. Real God don't easily get offended like Allah..In my quran class, we were told that allah will be angry if we pronounced the word in quran (in arabic) wrongly. We must learn to say it correctly and it was a torture to learn Arabic as I hate it so much. But Allah is like a psycho..He said he is loving and merciful and yet want to torture us in the afterlife if we don't read the quran, pray and obey him. doubt, allah is alalu. He is just a being with big ego and emotions that proves he is not perfect like god should be.

    1. Exactly like Yahweh and Jehovah, same teachings different application.

  15. I liked your article but you're wrong all the way through Allah is not alkali, Alalu died and is buried currently on Mars according to those same scriptures you read, so why would you sit there and say Allah, who wasn't created until thousands of years after alalu died is this person, how can It even possibly be true, his body's not even on Earth. Personally I think it's all just things that people wrote back then to entertain one another, a story, the same way we watch TV, they inscribed fake stories about things that inspired them to be better or worse. As a way to teach the young. I hate it when people today say that people in the past didn't have an imagination, didn't write fake stories, how is that true? how can that even possibly be true? when we do it and we come from them, so we come from them and we do it why wouldn't they do it?

  16. Wasn't Alalu killed by swallowing Anu's manhood? Isn't he buried in Mars? isn't Islam the religion Nannar tried to install after Nabu, son of Marduk installed Christianity by sacrificing himself being the son of man (first god-man) man, son of god, establishing once and for all the Enki domination on this earth?

  17. Great work, thank you. I do have a question (two-parts):
    Wasn't Alalu exiled from Ki right after Anu arrived from Nibiru and divided Ki among his sons Enlil and Enki, leaving Alalu furious and challenging Anu to another hand-to-hand combat? So, how could have Alalu initiated his clan on earth if he was exiled BEFORE, Enki and Ninhursag created the first Lulu (working hybrid human) on Ki?

    1. There's a twist to this. In another myth, Anzu, who stole Enlils instruments of power, may come from Alalu lineage. So they harboured that revenge all along.
