Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Evolution of the Church-State

Some of my readers have asked me, “Who was in charge of the gold reserves, the mining and acquisition of gold, for the Anunnaki before the United States?” I keep forgetting that not everyone has read the great works of Zecharia Sitchin and Michael Tellinger. So I will do my best to briefly summarize the major gold-ruling civilizations as I know them to be:

- Anunnaki in Africa: circa 400,000 to 250,000 B.C.; initial gold mining operations using underground tunnels and caves; similar to many of the gold mining operations in Africa still in existence today. At this time, Igigi (Mars) was used as an intermediate ore processing and gold refining transport station; which is why someday they will find pyramids on Mars.

-  Anunnaki in Sumeria, Mesopotamia: circa 250,000 B.C. to 12,500 B.C.;  more advanced gold mining operations which evolved into the design and implementation of varying pyramid structures to facilitate large-scale ore processing and metal purification; which eliminated the need for Igigi (Mars) station. This era includes the civilizations of Sumer, Akkadia and Babylonia.

- the Deluge, The Great Flood:  circa 11,000 B.C.; EN.KI forewarns his son Noah 

- Atlantis, mid-Atlantic region: this was the initial New World headquarters of an advanced Anunnaki civilization that was designed to be a “home away from home” for those Anunnaki who preferred the Earthly environment over Nibiru; it is now somewhere on the ocean floor near the Bermuda Triangle; we will also find great pyramids there someday. The fall of Atlantis kept the Anunnaki from establishing a permanent residence on Earth again... until it was necessary following the Roswell incident of 1950’s A.D.

- the Pole Shift: circa 9,600 B.C.; surprising even the Anunnaki, this global event submerged Atlantis and reigned a fiery volcanic terror upon our planet that was recorded in the annals of Mesoamerican cultures. Not afforded the chance to transport their dead back to Nibiru for a proper burial, we will someday find the skeletal remains of the Anunnaki on the floor of the Atlantic ocean. What we call a “pole shift” was actually an outer crustal displacement that occurs periodically on our fragile blue planet.

- Mayas, Aztecs, Incas in Mesoamerica: circa 9,600 B.C. to 550 B.C.;  a transplant relocation of gold mining operations utilizing pyramid structures to facilitate large-scale ore processing and metal purification. With the loss of Atlantis, and as the civilizations of Sumeria became more divided and the gold production in those areas decreased, the Anunnaki set their sites on untapped Mesoamerica for its gold potential. This is why the later Pharaohs of Egypt had a complete lack of understanding as to how the pyramids were used for mining; hence their use of pyramids as burial chambers.

-  Vatican: circa 500 A.D. to 1929 A.D.; once the Vatican was in place their mission was to orchestrate the mining and acquisition of gold for the Anunnaki; the evolution and execution of this role will be discussed in more detail below. 

It surprises me no one has correlated the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. with the Anunnaki Council of the Great Gods. In my mind, these Anunnaki “gods” were front-and-center during the construction of The Bible and the installment of the Vatican as the new global authority. It is no coincidence that the first church in Vatican City was built one year later in 326 A.D. Without a doubt, this was all part of an emerging master plan drafted by the Council of the Great Gods in Nicaea. I wonder how many of the earlier Popes in Vatican City were actually Anunnaki?

The reason The Bible was so severely edited and dissected during the heated debates inside the Council of Nicaea was... you guessed it... the secular EN.LIL, the Judea-Christian EN.KI,  and the scorned Alalu all refused to allow specific accounts to be included therein. Every chapter and verse of The Bible was negotiated in the same way that the Parliament and Congress negotiate legislation today. Where is this obvious?  In Exodus 32:3-8,  it speaks of the golden-calf idols as “These be thy gods, oh Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” It futher states in Numbers 23:22 that, “God brought them up out of Egypt; he hath the strength of a bull.” Such accounts as these give the Old Testament its confusing and contrasting perspective; especially when other accounts offer a more damning reference to those who worship the image of “the calf, the bull” such as with Moses and the Ten Commandments.

The first church in Vatican City was built during 326 A.D.; but the Vatican Palace was not constructed until 498 to 514 A.D. under the reign of Pope Symmachus. This explains my theory of why Muhammad and Islam emerged in 570 A.D. Immediately after Vatican City began to establish itself as a world-wide governing Church-State, the Anunnaki “god” Alalu intended to block the maneuverings of his adversaries EN.KI and Marduk by initiating a religion in total opposition to theirs. Alalu’s Islam is the Pepsi to EN.KI’s Judea-Christian Coca-Cola.

For the Vatican to put their ‘divine’ mission into play, they had to first convince Mankind that they were the ‘ordained’ mediators between God and man. This they accomplished in no time at all. As a result, Vatican City and the Pope had full authority, ordained by God, to become the world’s I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service) and collect every available ounce of gold in the form of taxes and tithing. The more gold one gave to the Church, the higher up in the Church echelon one was promoted. It wasn’t just gold, however, as the Vatican is still the largest private landholder on the planet.

To expand their acquisition of gold, the Vatican solicited every Country within its domain to acquire gold from all four corners of the Earth. It was Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and England who all sponsored the bravest of the brave to search for gold—more gold. If these explorers and conquistadors were successful, and brought back ships filled with gold for their kings and queens, then at least half of the gold was given to the Church and transported under armed security back to Vatican City. Such was the Divine Law of the land.
The Lateran Treaty of 1929 is when the Vatican officially became a separate Church-State independent from the country of Italy. This date is a truly significant one; since this is when the Vatican and Great Britain were both forced to give up all their gold to the United States around 1929-1930. Why did they relinquish all their gold reserves? As I mentioned in my blog “Socioeconomic Impact – part 2”, this is precisely when the Anunnaki came to pickup a large shipment of gold and transport it back to Nibiru. Shortly after, the price of gold shot up sky high and all hell broke loose on Earth with The Great Depression. Economically, the United States took the biggest hit. Of course, after losing all its gold too, the Vatican vowed never again to swear allegiance to a nationalized Country.  

Does anyone consider what remains of the Vatican of old, after 1929, in relation to its role of acquiring gold for the Anunnaki? Just listen to talk radio personalities Jerry Doyle, Michael Savage, Mark Levine, Shawn Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Andy Dean, and Laura Ingraham. These are the most popular syndicated talk radio hosts on the airways today; and they are all Catholic. Rush Limbaugh, a professed ex-Catholic now Methodist, is part of this conservative regime. And what do they incessantly advertise every 60 seconds on their radio programs? Gold. Gold Line. Buy gold. Must have gold. Invest in Gold. Gold will secure your future. Gold. Gold. Gold. These media darlings don’t realize that they are being used as fascist pawns to focus our attention on one thing. Gold.

Another prominent radio personality is Glenn Beck, an ex-Catholic who became Mormon, who is more obsessed with GOLD than any of his aforementioned counterparts. Glenn Beck embodies a socioeconomic and macro-mindset conversion from the Old World Vatican to the New World Vatican-- to maintain the dominant role of an EN.KI Judea-Christendom. This statement, if you allow me, will be fully explained in my next blog post. Specifically, how the Mormon Church is intended to be the New World Vatican, the next global Church-State, of the Anunnaki. To be continued...  

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