Monday, May 27, 2013

Enki's First Creation

If we study intently the details of Zecharia Sitchin’s final book in his series ‘The Earth Chronicles’, we can dissect a wealth of information that directly correlates, and answers, so many questions concerning life here on Earth. The accounts detailed in ‘The Lost Book of Enki’ are a result of Sitchin’s painstaking translation of over 30,000 ancient clay tablets scribed in Sumerian cuneiform (a precursor to Akkadian cuneiform). 
One such account relates to the numerous failed attempts by EN.KI to genetically design the first Adam-man, Adamu, as a slave species to work the gold mines in the AbZu of southern Africa. In simple terms, EN.KI attempted to cross-breed the evolving biped primates he had discovered in Africa with his own Anunnaki DNA. The results of his first attempt read as follows:
With glee Enki Shouted. We attained!
Ningishzidda with joy cried out.
In her hands Ninmah the newborn held,
with joy she was not filled:
Shaggy with hair all over was the newborn,
His foreparts like of the Earth creatures were,
his hind parts to those of the Anunnaki more akin they were.
They let the two-legged female the newborn nurse,
with her milk him to suckle.
Fast was the newborn growing,
what on Nibiru a day was, a month in the Abzu was.
Taller the Earth child grew,
in the image of the Anunnaki he was not;
His hands for tools were not suited,
his speech only grunting sounds was!

If there is any logical explanation for the existence of the legendary Bigfoot on our planet, in my opinion, this is it. EN.KI was not the kind of “god” who would discard and kill-off his initial mistakes. The first hairy and grunting being that EN.KI created was certainly a ‘sentient’ being who possessed a significant percentage of Anunnaki DNA. Like any scientist would do, EN.KI most likely set the Sasquatch aside for further observation; ultimately setting him free to roam the plains of Africa.

So many first-hand accounts of Bigfoot describe a sense of ‘higher intelligence’ about the creature that has obviously enabled him to survive to this day. There are odd accounts of Bigfoot’s ability to appear and disappear at will; and some witnesses have observed the Sasquatch as a normal family unit (father, mother, children) in their remote habitats. Most surprising, are the numerous accounts of Bigfoot taking children from their homes, placing them in the most inaccessible places, without harming a hair on their chinny-chin-chins. It is the more recent scientific findings that provide the most conclusive evidence, to date, of Bigfoot's existence.  

Hair and skin samples have recently been collected by Bigfoot eye-witnesses around the world and submitted for DNA testing. The results are incredible to say the least. The scientific community was baffled to find that Bigfoot DNA is partially primate DNA... combined with a different DNA genome that is unknown to any other life-form on Earth. Could it be that the elusive Bigfoot, a most intelligent and remarkable creature, holds the secret to the origins of man? 

I propose that the unidentifiable Bigfoot DNA sequence holds the genetic ’code’ by which we can finally understand the “junk DNA” found in modern man. It has been my premise, all along, that our junk-DNA has been intentionally deactivated by the Anunnaki; and Bigfoot may very well have that same junk DNA fully activated and in-tact within its own DNA construct. Regardless, this is one more example of how a Sumerian-Anunnaki history continues, through every millennium, to re-connect and identify with our own. 


  1. Humans are ancient sasquatch and annunaki hybrid genius

  2. Humans are ancient sasquatch and annunaki hybrid genius
