Friday, May 24, 2013

Hillary, Where For Art Thou?

In previous blog posts, I mentioned the comings and goings of the Anunnaki; specifically their visible return to Earth in 1997, 2007 & 2008. It would take some kind of miracle for the world governments to admit that something ‘changed’ in our relationship with the Anunnaki since then. A better term might be ‘evolved’. The last three visits from Nibiru had a notable socioeconomic impact on the world; especially the U.S. and Europe. So, as compensation for depleting our gold reserves, I think someone finally decided to have a “stand-off” with our planetary neighbors. 
“Look. You have to give us something. You have to give us something that will give us an ‘edge’ over the other guys,” I can hear our leaders pleading like children. “If you don’t, we’ll stop mining the gold; and we’ll obliterate the mines with nuclear bombs!” I believe the Anunnaki succumbed to our idle threats and they gave us a carrot. I believe the entire sequence of world events between 2000 to 2010 was centered around what the Anunnaki told our leaders. Without a doubt, Bush & Cheney decided to act on that information. 
In addition to the tidbits of technology that the Anunnaki have periodically, albeit reluctantly, leaked to us (Nuclear fission, Brown’s Gas, Lasers, Google Glass) I believe they finally informed the U.S. exactly what lies buried underneath the ancient cities of Harran, Ur and Nippur. I think the Anunnaki chose to reveal these secrets to the U.S. because America has 8 times more gold on reserve than any other country. I also think that the information the Anunnaki gave the U.S. is precisely what led them into Iraq. The cradle of civilization, Iraq, is where the Mission Control Center, the Star Gate, the Launch Facility, and the Landing Pads were all located when the Anunnaki first settled on Earth—not far from Kuwait and southern Afghanistan today. Over time, nations borders have been blurred; but at least this time we knew where to start looking! 
In September of 2012, headline news proclaimed the discovery of an ancient spaceship in the caves of southern Afghanistan. It was a 'vimana' similar to those depicted in the ancient Sanskrit epics. There were follow-on headlines that claimed Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had called upon all the world leaders to join her in Afghanistan to witness, first hand, the unbelievable find. The last story that I read detailed how American servicemen, as many as five, had tragically died trying to handle the alien craft, or 'vimana'. Then, the news coverage came to a screeching halt and Hillary Clinton retired from office soon after. Was she forced to resign because of the way in which she handled the event—disclosing the find to all the world’s leaders like a giddy schoolgirl? Perhaps, the U.S. found exactly what they were looking for; and they had intended to keep it a secret. We can only hope that Hillary has positioned herself, neutrally, so that she can be the one to finally disclose the truth to the world. Full disclosure. 
I’m sure I’m not the only one who is wondering, “What did they find?” After orchestrating a major War effort to get their hands on new game-changing technology, one would hope that the U.S. found everything they were looking for. It was like an Easter egg hunt on a global scale; and it certainly wasn’t about OIL (Iraq exports most of its oil to China and Brazil now). But one thing is now obvious: our U.S. Military is experiencing the highest rate of suicide and mental disorder than any other standing army in history. Thousands of soldiers are being placed on psychiatric Social Security disability as soon as they step back on American soil. Vietnam and WWII veterans have expressed concern to me about this puzzling war veteran syndrome that they have never seen before. If our troops were made aware of the “real” reason why the U.S. invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, might that have shattered their religious beliefs? Now they are forbidden, under penalty of death, to reveal what they know. In the meantime, we are all watching and waiting. Hillary? 

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