Friday, May 24, 2013

These So-Called "Gods"

The concept of "god" was imbedded in the minds of a lesser-evolved Mankind from the very beginning-- from the day EN.KI created the first Adamu in the AbZu gold mines of Africa. Anthropologists and archeologists now understand how the Anunnaki in Sumeria eventually became the same gods who emerged throughout Egyptian history, Greek and Roman history, and whose lineage sponsored the demigod kings of the modern Christian era. A monumental legacy to say the least.
But who were these so-called "gods", really? We know, by their own accounts, that they were petty, jealous, argumentative and manipulating. And such imperfect "human" attributes were directed at themselves as well as toward the feeble-minded men they ruled. We know, by the ancient texts, that these "gods" believed in a self-directed Fate; as well as a Destiny mandated only by a Supreme Being. And more and more we are beginning to see that these "gods" were not rooted in mythology but, instead, in a thoroughly documented history.
But, they were not gods. They were family, inbred family, in which fathers married daughters, brothers married sisters, and mothers married sons. The males took multiple wives, they were self-professed womanizers, pedophiles and rapists, and they were seldom judged harshly for their crimes. They answered to a secular hierarchy; as they were secular by nature themselves. Like the rulers of today, the entire pantheon of Mesopotamian "gods" loved only science and politics; and they prayed only to each other-- never to a Supreme Being-- for guidance.
This we know for certain: These so-called "gods" were powerless against the Deluge (the Great Flood) and they fled to the skies like cowards. In fact, there would be no Mankind at all had EN.KI not forewarned his son Noah. These so-called "gods" were shocked and unprepared for the nuclear fall-out, the Evil Wind, which followed after their decision to destroy the great cities of Sumeria with nuclear bombs. These so-called "gods" nearly perished circa 9600 B.C. when the planet experienced a crustal displacement, a Pole Shift, that wiped out the continent of Atlantis and set every other civilization on Earth back thousands of years. (Scientists have proven that every monument, every Stonehenge, every pyramid, was re-aligned by several degrees following this catastrophic shift.)
So what is next on their agenda? Must we continue to operate as a 'Slave Species' to fulfill their every whim; their petty desires? One does not have to study the movements and actions of the so-called "gods" and demigod kings for very long, from the time of Sumeria up to the current days of Messianic Christendom, to realize that they never change their ways. We can observe the on-goings of Washington D.C., the United Nations, OPEC and the World Bank to realize that today's bureaucrats operate in strict accordance to the code of the "gods"; while they refer to the rest of Mankind as "the little people". And, as always, today's secular "gods" have the power, the money, and the resources to decide the Fate of Mankind with one wave of the hand.

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