Friday, May 24, 2013

We Saw Them Come

I was living in Las Vegas in the year 2000, and I recall reading several articles related to a gigantic nuclear spent-fuel facility near Las Vegas referred to as the ‘Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site’. The news articles that I read stated that the enormous underground nuclear waste site would not be used for nuclear waste after all—due to the many protests of Nevada residents and Environmentalist. However, it was mentioned casually that the underground facility would remain in tact and possibly be utilized for some other purpose (no further explanation).

It is important to mention that this underground storage facility is located within the boundaries of the overlapping Nellis Air Force Range and the secretive Nevada Test Site (see above map). I believe the reason this facility was originally constructed under the “guise” of being a nuclear waste site was to deter and ward-off any trespassers. Federal funding for this site was promptly discontinued by President Obama in the year 2010; and it is no coincidence that Federal funding was discontinued for the NASA Space Program in the same year. The future status of the repository at Yucca Mountain remains unknown due to on-going litigation and opposition by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

We know the Yucca Mountain facility was operational before 1998, since the U.S. Department of Energy stated that it could begin shipping “spent fuel” to the Yucca Mountain repository by January 31, 1998. The first Phoenix Lights event occurred on the evening of March 13, 1997 when a gigantic triangular-shaped UFO was sited near Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada. Several hours later, the UFO traveled south over Kingman Arizona and then to Phoenix Arizona where it hovered over the city for several hours. The UFO proceeded south over Tuscon Arizona and then disappeared into Mexico. I believe the UFO flight southward in 1997 was an intentional diversionary path—away from Nellis Air Force Range and the Yucca Mountain facility. And since the Yucca Mountain site was obviously being utilized in March of 1997, the formally published completion date of January 1998 was also a diversionary tactic.
The Phoenix Lights event in 1997 was part of a massive and secretive undertaking involving the Nellis Air Force Range and the Yucca Mountain storage facility whereby tons of pure gold was loaded onto giant triangular-shaped Anunnaki cargo ship(s) and transported back to Nibiru. This took years of planning and there had to have been a constant dialogue between Earth and Nibiru to schedule the big event. The Phoenix Lights and the same triangular-shaped UFO were sited again in 2007; and it is no coincidence that Barrack Obama lobbied to cancel all Federal funding for the Yucca Mountain facility shortly afterwards. In my blog entries ‘The Disclosure Presidents’ and ‘Socioeconomic Impact – part 2’, I discuss the real reason why President Obama took such immediate action after the Anunnaki returned to Yucca Mountain for a second shipment of gold.
The Bush and British royal families work on behalf of the Enki-ite lineage (loyalty to Judaism; followers of Christianity) while Barrack Obama and his global followers work on behalf of the Enlil-ite lineage (left leaning towards Islam and Secularism). In either case, the primary mission of all major world powers is to mine gold, store gold, and have enough gold on reserve to satisfy the Anunnaki ships that transport the precious metal back to their own planet. All other endeavors here on Earth pale by comparison. Money. Education. Politics. Science. Religion. Everything takes a back seat to the ultimate agenda here on Earth—to fulfill the Anunnaki demand for gold.

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