Friday, May 24, 2013

Who Needs Gold?

Gold is actually the 3rd or 4th preferred metal for electronics conductivity; and yet it is the most expensive alternative when compared to the other more efficient silver, copper, and Metal-007. For conductivity, copper is one of the best. So why is it so widely believed that gold is absolutely necessary for the manufacture of all the things we need on Earth? And why is the general public told that it is absolutely necessary to continue to mine more and more gold to keep up with advancing technology and circuitry? Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, the Anunnaki possess far more advanced technology than we do-- and gold is nowhere to be found on their planet. The way in which gold is used for investing and monetary currency on Earth is a masterfully designed 'smoke-and-mirrors' diversion from the truth. The fact is, the world has a billion times more gold on reserves than is required for any practical purpose. So why are we storing and mining so much gold worldwide as we speak?
The answer is obvious. The Anunnaki come and go periodically to pickup the gold reserves on Earth to sustain the atmosphere of their planet Nibiru. This galactic exchange has continued for well over 400,000 years, since the creation of the first Adam in the garden of E.DIN, and we have no way of knowing how long this arrangement will continue. One could ask whether or not the very survival of planet Nibiru relies on the productivity of planet Earth? If this is the case, then there is absolutely good cause for the Anunnaki to ensure that Eridu remains ongoing and in-tact. Of course, even they can't control the force of Mother Nature... and Destiny.

I notice more and more that Chem-Trails clutter our skies on most sunny days. It is a fact that airplane jet exhaust dissipates in less than 2-3 minutes; so don't bother trying to convince me that the Chem-Trails are airplane jet exhaust when they linger in the air for hours. Could it be that we are also trying to repair our own atmosphere just like the Anunnaki on Nibiru? I believe the Chem-Trails that fill our skies is sound evidence for such desperate efforts taking place without any explanation as to how or why.


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