Friday, May 31, 2013

What REALLY Caused the Great Depression

Anyone taking a cursory glance at my blog and immediately concluding that my research is simply one more attempt to prove the existence of UFOs, well, they are making a very weak assumption. My intentions are to take the monumental works of Zechariah Sitchin, Michael Tellinger and Gerald Clark to the next level—in relation to modern day. This blog post, ‘The REAL Cause of the Great Depression’, may be the most important entry in my series; as I endeavor to speak for a generation of Americans who can no longer speak for themselves. The best way I can relay this message is to discuss what I call the “The Herbert Hoover Chronology”  below: 


o  Herbert Hoover was a Mining Engineer with no political experience whatsoever. He is elected President and immediately begins stockpiling the largest known store of gold reserves in modern-day history. At this time, the U.S. was storing gold reserves in underground facilities between two national parks near the towns of Ithaca and Freeville New York. There were auxiliary underground storage facilities in Pennsylvania as well. This was before the U.S. transferred all gold reserves to the Yucca Mountain facility in southern Nevada in 1997.
o  Great Britain and the Vatican, for no apparent reason, transfer all their gold reserves to the United States. This move was so dramatic that England immediately proceeded to exit the Gold Standard while the Vatican became an independent Church-State, independent of Italy, in 1929. Unbeknownst to the average citizen, these rapid-fire sequence of events were monumental considering that they all occurred within a span of only one year. And they all took place the moment Hebert Hoover was elected President. 
o  Suddenly, the completely unanticipated Stock Market Crash of 1929 sends a shock-wave throughout the nation. Here is where the historians get a little confused; so allow me to clarify something here. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was caused by mass rumors that the U.S. was suddenly ‘insolvent’ and had no gold. This is exemplified by the fact that the FIRST run on U.S. banks was a run on GOLD. That’s right. The inside rumors were all saying, “Get your hands on gold... before there is no gold left to be found.” The speculators predicted that gold prices would skyrocket; and anyone possessing gold would be among the survivors. Someone in the Hoover Administration had "leaked" what was going on. 

o  Of course, the run on gold ended quickly when there was none to be found; and the subsequent run on the Banks entailed mass withdrawal of money deposits. This can be further substantiated in  Milton Friedman’s “A Monetary History of the United States”, co-written with Anna Schwartz. Their study advances the argument that what made the “great contraction” so severe was not the downturn in the business cycle, protectionism, or the 1929 Stock Market crash in themselves—but instead, according to Friedman, what plunged the country into a deep depression was the collapse of the banking system during three waves of panics over the 1930-1933 period.

o  There are no significant UFO sightings in the U.S. at this time (see one photo above).


o  It is in 1930 that the media blitz concerning UFO sightings commenced. Suddenly, there were hundreds of cases related to “little green men” and “tiny men in spacesuits” detailed in newspapers and radio broadcasts across the country. Yes, they are all on record; but this is merely a tactical diversion. All such sightings were a complete hoax and an intentional fabrication to discredit any future accounts of the arrival of the Anunnaki. These staged events are exactly why the World War II generation used the term “little green men” to mock any reference to the UFO phenomena. Without a doubt, this Hoover-controlled media smear campaign was most effective.

o  I am proud to be the first to correlate a series of fully documented UFO sightings in the Ithaca-Freeville New York area (June 1, 1930) which are exact duplicates of the Hudson Valley (1980’s) sightings and Phoenix Lights (1997, 2007) sightings. I have already discussed the significance of the Hudson Valley and Phoenix Lights events in prior blog posts.

Let us take a look at the official transcript of one such sighting on record:

“Very Large Triangle Shapped Object. Several other similar reports in the area have prompted me to report this sighting. On Freeville Rd, between Ithaca and Freeville, NY, a dark remote Rd at night, we witnessed a very, VERY large Triangular craft. The weather was clear and the night sky was spectacular for star gazing. There is very little artificial light in this area.At first, I notice a bright star with tiny flashes around it. I thought i was seeing satellite photos being taken. Then I noticed across from it, at a distance of possibly 100 feet, the same thing, and again at a third point, making a triangle shape.In between the lights, was darkness, no stars could be seen.As we watched, we could see this object, which may have been up to 2000 feet in the sky, was moving very slowly to the east.((NUFORC Note: Date of sighting is approximate. PD))”

o  Without a doubt, June 1, 1930 was the exact date when the U.S. loaded tons of gold onto the Anunnaki cargo ships that would transport the payload back to Nibiru. It is no great stretch to assume that it is the very large Triangular craft that are used as cargo ships by the Anunnaki. Obviously, the Triangular craft sighted in Ithaca and Freeville New York in 1930 were the exact same craft sighted in Hudson Valley New York in the 1980’s and then in Nevada and Arizona in 1997 and 2007. The exact same craft (see above photo).

o  Important to mention, before I investigated this Great Depression correlation I had already informed the reader in past blog posts that, prior to 1997, the U.S. stored their gold reserves in New York and Pennsylvania. I clearly stated that it wasn’t until 1997 that the U.S. relocated their gold reserves to the Yucca Mountain Facility in southern Nevada. I mention this only to support the credibility of my findings and what I know to be true. I only hope the reader can see this.
1931 – 1933

o  As the run on banks (currency, money deposits) continues from 1931 to 1933; the banking infrastructure crumbles to its knees and The Great Depression is a reality.

o  Hoover’s only proposed remedy was to suggest that all American citizens must hand over their personal gold to the U.S. Government. A tell-tale sign, indeed. Roosevelt mandated that the Federal Reserve hand over all its gold to the U.S. Treasury as stipulated in the Gold Reserves Act of 1934; but this was too little too late and I believe it was a futile attempt by Roosevelt to replenish the depleted gold reserves under Herbert Hoover’s watch. As always, the next wave of politicians believe that they can ‘legislate’ their way out of such crisis.

o  As the rest of the world watched and wondered how the United States could have fallen so quickly, Germany and Japan positioned themselves to take advantage of the irresistible opportunity to establish world dominance. This is precisely why I have stated in prior blog posts that when the Anunnaki pay us a visit World War is oftentimes the outcome. The mass depletion of international gold reserves renders nations and individuals scrambling to recover. The worldwide chaos that ensues is the reason why no one has the time, or the resources, to investigate what REALLY caused it all. Soon, the experts and consultants surface with ways to band-aid the symptoms without ever curing the disease. 
The high-ranking stock brokers and financiers jumped out of their office windows—not because they were broke—but because they caught wind of some kind of  incomprehensible ‘alien’ agenda.  Did stock brokers jump out of their office windows during the Stock Market crashes of 1987, 2002, or 2007? Of course not. The Stock Market crash of 1929 was a much larger issue than ‘money’; and it was America’s first encounter with the Anunnaki gold agenda. Richard Nixon was a Quaker, like Hoover, and he likely sought revenge against the Anunnaki before he had even reached the Oval Office.

I am surprised that no one has ever thought to take a step back and ‘Follow the Gold’.  I have always believed it was the best, if not the only, approach. I knew that if I were to follow the gold it would lead to conclusions that many are not ready to accept. So I waited. Perhaps, we are ‘programmed’ never to follow the gold to begin with? Nevertheless, I present to my readers definitive evidence that indicates, beyond any doubt, that the Anunnaki are still here... and they still need our GOLD. 


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Putting the Pieces Together

The academic community may resist my claims, and the off-shoot Ufology community may find my research a hard pill to swallow, but I am reminded of one famous quote by Arthur Block, “A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.” Now that the once ignored Ufology experts have a greater voice among mainstream Cable-media and literary circles, I would not be surprised to find that my research is shelved and disregarded as part of the “new minority.” This brings to mind another famous quote by Eugene Victor Debs, “When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule, the majority are wrong... and... the minority are right.”

Did Joseph Smith translate his gold tablets and hieroglyphs via crude and inaccurate methods? In some cases that is blatantly obvious. Did Zechariah Sitchin embellish his translations and fill in the gaps when he processed the thousands upon thousands of Sumerian clay tablets he discovered? The academic community claims that he did. The point to make here is that the human capacity for inaccuracy and limited comprehension is embedded in our genome—as our “junk DNA” was deactivated when Mankind was created. But this does not disable our minds from observing the obvious; and all we have to do is take a look around to see the obvious signs around us.

Historically, we can all agree, the great civilizations of the past have been centered around gold acquisition and production. Even today, the world maintains an obsession with gold as we continue to mine and acquire more and more of it—just like all the civilizations before us. Given this fact, Mankind continues to be subjected to the petty power struggles of the three highest ranking Anunnaki “gods” on Nibiru. EN.KI promotes his Judea-Christendom; EN.LIL promotes his Secularist governing rule; and ALALU promotes his enigmatic Nation of Islam. This three-way family feud is perfectly understandable when we consider that EN.LIL was assigned the role of Commander of Earth (i.e. Commander in Chief), EN.KI became the Creator of Mankind, and ALALU was the first to set foot on planet Earth to discover its precious gold (he was our planetary Christopher Columbus).

Mother Nature will always have her way as nations rise and fall and new religions surface to mediate between god and man. But there is only one thing that remains constant. Gold. The mining and acquisition of astronomical amounts of gold, more than Mankind could ever consume, is the “meaning of life” here on Earth. It is why we are here. We are filling our skies with Chem-Trails and scientists claim that the entire Solar System is heating up. Perhaps our atmosphere is deteriorating just like the atmosphere on Nibiru. The increase in Crop Circles and UFO sightings on our planet tells me that the deterioration of the atmosphere on Nibiru has reached its crisis point. If this be the case, Mankind needs to create more “shovel ready” jobs and start getting to work mining more gold.

Did you hear what I am saying? The gods need more gold... now!  

TIMELINE REVIEW (last 100 years)

1929 – 1931

o  Herbert Hoover, a wealthy Mining Engineer, elected President 
o  Mormons established in Salt Lake City Utah a few decades prior 
o  Vatican becomes an independent Church-State; independent of Italy
o  Vatican and Great Britain both transfer all their gold reserves to America
o  price of gold skyrockets
o  Stock Market crashes
Ithaca, Freeville NY UFO sightings June 1, 1930
U.S. loads tons of gold onto Anunnaki ships for transport to Nibiru 
The Great Depression


U.S. intercepts Anunnaki surveillance spacecraft 
o  Roswell incidents; UFO encounters; Alien ‘hybrids’ interviewed 
1st time Anunnaki request for gold is refused by the U.S. 


o  John F. Kennedy wants to go to the Moon; to Outer Space
o  JFK campaigns for full disclosure of ‘alien’ agenda
o  JFK assassinated


o  Richard Nixon abolishes the Gold Standard
o  Nixon secretly combats ‘alien’ agenda and infiltration
o  Watergate scandal; threat of Impeachment
o  Nixon forced to resign

1980’s – early 1990’s

o  Hudson Valley; mass UFO sightings 1980-1981 
U.S. loads tons of gold onto Anunnaki ships for transport to Nibiru
o  price of gold skyrockets
o  Stock Market crashes; Black Monday, October 1987
o  Desert Storm, Desert Shield 1990-1991

o  Yucca Mountain underground facility completed in southern Nevada, 1997 
o  Phoenix Lights events; mass UFO sightings, March, 1997
U.S. loads tons of gold onto Anunnaki ships for transport to Nibiru
o  Bill Clinton campaigns for full disclosure of ‘alien’ agenda
o  Monica Lewinsky scandal; threat of Impeachment, April, 1997

2000 - 2004

Anunnaki cargo ship of 1997 fails to make it past Asteroid Belt
o  Bush orchestrates 9-11 attacks, Sept 2001
o  U.S. invades Iraq, Afghanistan,  2002  
o  Stock Market crashes, 2002

2007 – 2008

o  Phoenix Lights events; mass UFO sightings 2007-2008
U.S. loads tons of gold onto Anunnaki ships for return to Nibiru
o  price of gold skyrockets
o  Stock Market crash 2007
o  Europe and U.S. Economies near bankruptcy 
o  U.S. Debt suddenly reaches $10 Trillion 

o  Obama discontinues all Federal-funding of Yucca Mountain facility
o  UFO sightings predominately in the Antarctic region; apparent relocation  
U.S. Debt climbs to $16 Trillion 
o  Chem-Trails increase in the skies over U.S. 

2012 - 2013

o  Julian Assange, Wiki-leaks, seeks asylum in Ecuador, June 2012 
o  Over 230 news reporters killed in Iraq, Afghanistan to date
o  Ancient 'alien' spacecraft discovered in Afghanistan, Sept 2012
o  Hillary Clinton announces discovery to all the world’s leaders
o  Hillary Clinton 'resigns' as Secretary of State; story disappears
price of gold continues to skyrocket

o  U.S. Debt surpasses $17 Trillion and climbing.
o  Chem-Trails continue to increase in skies over U.S. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The New World Vatican

In reference to my prior blog entry concerning the Vatican, it is a fair question to ask, “How did they survive; after handing over all their gold to the U.S. in 1929?” Simple. They survived in the same way in which they survive today. The Vatican sold a great deal of their land holdings and they turned to their wealthier parishioners for financial support—including the family of Priests. From that day forward, the Vatican abandoned all ownership and responsibility with respect to gold; and they focused entirely on the acquisition of art, historical relics, currency and real-estate. To their credit, they had the largest parishioner-base of any Church in existence.

Does the year 1929 have any other significance to the ‘master plan’ of the Anunnaki, other than the end to Vatican City control of the world’s gold? It sure does. I have mentioned already that this transition gave the United States supreme control over supplying the Anunnaki with any gold they needed in the future. It was to be considered a great honor that would reap the U.S. many benefits. But there are other heretofore unacknowledged events leading up to 1929 that are nothing less than ‘divine’ intervention. And those events happened right here in America. 

It wasn’t until 1848 that the U.S. won the war against Mexico to acquire the territory of Utah. By then, the Mormons had already begun to organize their wagon trains in 1846-1847 with over 70,000 Mormons leaving the states of Illinois and Missouri in what is now referred to as the Mormon Exodus.  They were headed West. In April of 1847, Brigham Young met with his Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to discuss the route in which they should take. The above MAP was drawn up to lead them straight to what is now Salt Lake City. Miraculously, Brigham Young and his followers arrived in Salt Lake City by July of that same year—an amazingly successful trek.

From that day forward, thousands upon thousands of Mormons migrated to Salt Lake City between 1847 and 1869. It was a land filled with abundance and beauty. The first Mormon Temple was officially completed in April of 1893; and another wave of Danish Mormons arrived around 1910. The Mormons claim that they modeled their own Temple after Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem because they were "told" to do so. The Mormons also claim that they migrated West because they were "told" to do so. When they reached Salt Lake City, they knew they were in the right place—the place that Brigham Young had seen in his dreams. It is no coincidence that Utah officially became a State in 1896 just a few years after the Mormon Temple was completed. (Just as it is no coincidence that the first church in Vatican City was built only one year after the Council of Nicaea.)

The Mormons profess that they are preparing for the “Day of the Lord”, The Crossing, and they are commissioned with the huge responsibility of starting the Earth all over again in the Land of Zion (Utah) upon that fateful day. The Mormons are storing food and supplies in enormous mountain facilities deep beneath the Earth. And they are storing up gold; tons and tons of gold. The largest gold producing mining company in the world, BARRICK, has its North American headquarters in... you guessed it... Salt Lake City. The Mormons opened Zions Bank (founded by Brigham Young in Utah) and they now have endless land holdings and business ventures in the U.S. and the world over. The New World Vatican reign is far-reaching and it is the fastest growing religion in the world today. Some say, the Mormon religion is likely to surpass the Catholic church in numbers-- if it hasn’t already.

I find it hard to believe that people disregard the Mormon religion and the Book of Mormon as a fabricated facsimile of Christianity and the Old Testament. What they don’t realize is that the visions and tablets beholden by Joseph Smith were the foundation of the New World Vatican sponsored in by the Enki-ite “gods”. It was a master plan laid out since the Council of Nicaea, a ‘divine’ Destiny, as EN.KI and his son Marduk knew that the Old World Vatican would not last forever. It was a plan to increase the numbers and influence of Mankind within the ranks of an EN.KI Judea-Christendom—in case the Old World Vatican should begin to decline in numbers and influence. 

This transition of power can be seen time and time again, since the arrival of the first Anunnaki, for over 400,000 years. And every new civilization that arises, every new World Order, always assumes responsibility for the world's gold. It is obvious why the secret Mormon rituals practiced in the Mormon Temple are identical to the rituals practiced by other Enki-ite organizations such as the Knights Templar, the Masons, and the Vatican. The Mormons did not ‘copy’ these rituals for the sake of fitting in with the religion of the day. They were handed these rituals, in the same way that they were handed the map to Salt Lake City, so that they would not stray from the divine EN.KI lineage who created those rituals—the Anunnaki.

The Mormons and Freemasons have a ceremony of initiation handed down to them from the Knights Templar that includes: a noose around the neck, a slipper on one foot and the other trouser-leg rolled up to the knee. This is a clear depiction of Mankind as a literal ‘slave’ to a higher authority, the Anunnaki. It makes sense that our Founding Fathers and most of our U.S. Presidents were Freemasons. They understood completely what their role on Earth demanded—to serve the Anunnaki agenda. The Mormons are more committed than any other religion to the survival of Israel and the Jews; and that is the ultimate sign that the Mormon faith is ordained by EN.KI (not by the Secularist EN.LIL; not by the Islamic ALALU).

It is no coincidence that the Mormons own the Provo Utah based company—the largest genealogical website and cross-reference in the world. I propose that the Mormon Elders know something that even the average Mormon layperson may not know. The Elders know that an important blood-line can be traced back through Mankind, through Messianic-Christendom, to a divine lineage of EN.KI, Marduk, and Jesus Christ. I believe that, combined with DNA mapping, will serve a vital role in how the Mormon Church defines its membership and leaders in the future. In addition to its flagship site, operates,, ProGenealogists,,,,, and Family Tree Maker software developed and marketed by the company is advertised as "the #1 selling family history software".  As of September 2012, the company provided access to 11 billion records, 40 million family trees, and 2 million paying subscribers. 

What else do they own? The Mormons own a major shareholder stake in the largest chain of truck stops in the country since they sold their shares of Flying J truck stops to Pilot Travel Centers. Flying J was originally founded by a Mormon in Ogden Utah and it recently reorganized to become FJ Management while it continues to operate its subsidiaries:  Big West Oil refineries and distribution, Transportation Alliance Bank (TAB), and Transportation Clearing House (TCH) all headquartered in Ogden. Although the Mormons claim that they 'technically' sold Zions Bank (founded by Brigham Young in Utah) to the private sector as well, they continue to hold a controlling shareholder stake in this bank. Surprisingly, Zions Bank was recently accused of laundering Billions of dollars overseas. And let us not forget, the largest gold-mining company in the world, BARRICK, is headquartered in Salt Lake City. Does this sound like a Church to you? Actually, this  falls within the very definition of a 'Church-State' which I presented to you in prior blog posts. The EN.KI-sponsored New World Vatican has now replaced the Old World Vatican as the controlling globalized Church-State. And as you will see in future news events, I have only scratched the surface here!
As I have relayed in prior blog posts, “The Day of the Lord”, The Crossing, is referenced in the ancient texts as the time when Nibiru returns to pass through our Solar System. It is also referred to as a “Day of Judgement.” During this period, the Earth experiences widespread destruction and chaos that could last years or even decades. The last Crossing began around 556 B.C. and things got so bad that the “gods”, the Anunnaki, fled from the Earth and did not return for quite some time. This is historically referred to as a period when “there were no gods on Earth.” Five hundred years later Jesus Christ was born; and the next Crossing is not expected to occur until 2900 A.D.

So I close this blog post with a message to all Mormons. I see that it is not just the decline of the Old World Vatican but the decline of North America itself that you may encounter. I see that it is not only “The Day of the Lord”, The Crossing, that led you to Salt Lake City; but something likely to occur much sooner. As the blood of Secularism (EN.LIL) and Islam (ALALU) bleed into the fabric of society across America and Europe, what is the New World Vatican, the appointed savior of the EN.KI Judea-Christendom, commissioned to do? Isn’t it interesting that you are the only Religion that is storing up supplies in great excess for the long-term. It is almost as if someone has "told" you something; and you are preparing for something really, really big. In the end, you may be the only ones left standing. So, I hope you know how to mine gold.