Monday, June 17, 2013

The Ritual of Baptism

The Anunnaki god EN.LIL personifies the jealous and angry god, the Bull, that pervades throughout the Old Testament (such as in Sodom and Gomorrah). He is known as the ‘God of the Earth and Sky’ and he was given the title ‘Commander of the Earth’ by the Anunnaki Council of Gods. EN.LIL has been equated to Zeus and Thor in the later pantheon of gods; and his lineage remains alive and well today.  

The Anunnaki god EN.KI, the Fish, personifies the compassionate god of the Old and New Testaments. He was known as the ‘God of the Seas’ and he was given the title ‘Commander of the AbZu’ (gold mines in Africa) by the Anunnaki Council of Gods. EN.KI forewarned Noah of the Great Flood; and EN.KI’s son Marduk sired the last Earthly 'god' Nabu who in turn sired the ‘divine’ Jesus Christ-- the son of "god".  EN.KI has been equated to Neptune, Poseidon and Odin in the later pantheon of gods; and he is responsible for the genetic creation of our species—thus earning him the titles ‘Father of Mankind’ and 'Heavenly Father'.

The Anunnaki god ALALU was the first to arrive on Earth from Nibiru. He crash-landed on dry land and nearly perished in the process. ALALU survived the landing and he eventually contacted Nibiru and told them of his near-death experience. Hence, when EN.KI traveled to Earth he intentionally chose to land in water to avoid the crash-landing experienced by ALALU. Upon doing so, EN.KI remained living in the marshlands of Sumeria and he spent his initial years mining for gold in this aquatic environment. On a practical level, EN.KI simply preferred to live and work near water. I can only imagine the disappointment he felt when he was officially re-assigned to the hot dry terrain of Africa. It is important to mention, when EN.LIL first traveled to the Earth he chose to land on dry land. Similar to ALALU, it is apparent that EN.LIL preferred dry land over water from that day forward. (Notice that the Secularists/Communist Russians landed their cosmonauts on dry land; while the Judea-Christian Americans landed their astronauts in oceanic waters.) 

Ancient texts describe how EN.KI kept his spacecraft, his home base, parked in the middle of a marshy bay area.  Whenever he would visit dry land, he would wear a head-dress and coat that was fashioned to look like a large fish. Ancient drawings and carvings clearly depict EN.KI wearing a full-body fish costume. (This makes me wonder if EN.KI was somewhat eccentric and flamboyant in his behavior.) To those watching from the shoreline, it would appear as if EN.KI was rising up from the water every time he approached dry land. This is why EN.KI was known as the ‘God of the Seas’ and he was assigned the moniker ‘The Fish’ throughout the ancient texts. We know the Anunnaki adhered to an astronomical calendar when orchestrating major events; so it makes perfect sense that EN.KI’s initial reign on Earth was during the astronomical Age of Pisces.

The Christian baptism we see today is a formalized ritual designed to show one’s allegiance to the ‘God of the Seas’. To be baptized is to say, “I am of the Water,” just like EN.KI-- the ‘Father of Mankind”. There is no other religion that performs the ritual of baptism in the same manner, or for the same reason, as Christianity. The closest thing to a Christian baptism is the Jewish water-purification ritual known as the “mikveh”. The Christian denominations that insist we must be completely dunked and immersed in water in order to be properly baptized are depicting the following:

1.)  EN.KI rising from the water (reborn) after his first landing on Earth.

2.)  EN.KI rising from the water each time he approached dry land.

When John baptized Jesus in the river Jordon, he was delivering a blatantly obvious statement that, “This son of Nabu, grandson of Marduk, great-grandson of EN.KI, marks the new Age of Pisces; and he embodies the ‘divine’ lineage of The Fish.” Historians realize that John the Baptist was a first cousin to Jesus of Nazareth. John and Jesus grew up together and they went to school together; so John knew the ‘divine’ lineage of Jesus first-hand. John knew that Mary was the daughter of Anna of Glastonbury; and John knew that Mary was seeded with the Anunnaki DNA of EN.KI and Marduk. For this reason, John knew that he must baptize Jesus by water—to qualify an EN.KI lineage—to separate Jesus from an EN.LIL or an ALALU lineage.

John and Jesus both spoke harshly against the hypocrisy of the Pharisee and Sadducee in their ministry—because they had spent years together conversing about that very topic. I would not be surprised to find that John and Jesus discussed the entire baptismal scene as well. When it would happen... how it would happen... and what words would be exchanged. It stands to reason that John and his cousin Jesus, at the very least, discussed the significance of the baptismal event before they happened upon each other at the Jordan river.

The recent theories that Jesus was a myth or that he was the personification of the Sun, a mythological Sun god, are entirely baseless. Contrary to the Zeitgeist videos on YouTube, Jesus was not invented to personify the Sun rising on the distant horizon. Jesus was very real. And Jesus was very much the physical continuation of an EN.KI Judea-Christendom here on Earth. We know the Anunnaki adhered to an astronomical calendar when orchestrating major events; so, in true Anunnaki fashion, Jesus heralded in the new astronomical Age of Pisces. Christians the world over recognize the Age of the Fish; and all Earthly 'gods' spawned by EN.KI will surely be associated with Water and the Fish ( to Marduk to Nabu to Jesus Christ). 

I have explained in prior blog posts that the last event of The Crossing, when Nibiru crossed into our Solar System, began in 556 B.C.  As Nibiru completed its orbit around the Sun, and proceeded with a final exital-orbit from our Solar System, it was literally glowing with recharged radiant energy to appear as the ‘Star of David’ over Bethlehem. The miracle birth of Jesus Christ was EN.KI’s way of continuing his Judea-Christendom here on Earth—through the Age of Pisces—until the next Crossing. A message to a sinful world, Jesus became “the way, the truth, the light” and the ‘Savior of Mankind’.  And, today, no one is considered to be a Christian... until they are baptized in water

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