Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Anunnaki - The Illuminati

One of my followers/readers just made the insightful comment that the bloodline of the Anunnaki, whose genealogy I've been tracing recently, is the so-called Illuminati.
To support this claim, check out the recent CoastToCoastAM broadcast featuring Gerald Clark. It is interesting that Gerald Clark substantiates my claims that: 

1) There remains an ongoing feud between warring Anunnaki factions here on Earth.
2) The Anunnaki are currently orchestrating a New World Order here on Earth today.




Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our Father Who Art In Heaven

Throughout my blog, I have emphasized that Jesus was a product of the 'divine' Anunnaki lineage recorded in the genealogy of Anu to Enki to Marduk. I have specifically suggested that Marduk could have been the biological father of Jesus. However, as historical chronology suggests, there are specific attributes of Marduk's son, Nabu (referred to as Nebo in Isaiah 46:1), that may indicate a more recent paternal link to Jesus Christ-- one more link in the chain. 

If one recalls the way in which Jesus addressed his Father throughout the New Testament scripture, we might conclude that it was Nabu, rather than Marduk, who was the Heavenly Father of Jesus. The following are specific attributes of Nabu that support this theory: 

1) Nabu was known as the god of Wisdom; and the god of Writing and Scribes.
2) Nabu was the keeper of the Tablets of Destiny in which the fate of humankind was recorded. He was believed to engrave the Destiny of each person, as the gods have decided, on the Tablets of Sacred Record. Nabu had the power to increase or diminish the length of human life.
3)  Just as Yahweh declared in Isaiah 46:10, "I am the one who from the Beginning tells the End", the god Nabu told the Assyrian king Esarhaddon, "The Future shall be like the Past". In similar fashion, Jesus proclaimed, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first".
4) Nabu was worshiped as a fertility god and a god of Water. He was the grandson of Enki who was the original god of Water.
5) Nabu was the last king of Babylon (around 2000 B.C.). Babylonians and Assyrians addressed many prayers and inscriptions directly to Nabu. 
6) The Greeks referred to Nabu as Apollo or Hermes; while the Romans referred to him as Mercury. It is no coincidence that the first NASA space programs were named Apollo and Mercury.

Was Moses meeting with the "god" Enki on Mount Sinai? Was Moses conversing with Marduk? Or could it be that Nabu, the son of Marduk, the grandson of Enki, was directing the actions of both Moses in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament? Might this be evidence of an original Trilogy, a Holy Trinity, that supports my ongoing premise of an Anunnaki-orchestrated Judea-Christendom controlling mankind on Earth to this day. From En.ki... to Marduk...  to Nabu.... then finally to Jesus? The name 'Moses' was  attached as a suffix to the names of the Egyptian gods Ra and Thoth to be translated as "of the god Ra" or "of the god Thoth". Following in this same vein, could it be that Moses was able to perform such spectacular miracles primarily because he was "of god" himself-- just as his name suggests? What could be more definitive proof that Moses was, in fact, "of the god Nabu" than when he climbed Mount Nebo to hear God say to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” (Deuteronomy 34).  Without a doubt, Moses was of Anunnaki origin!
As we consider the Christian ritual of baptism by "water", and the way in which Jesus described specific attributes of his Heavenly Father, we could logically conclude that Jesus was the Son of Nabu, grandson of Marduk, great-grandson of Enki, born of the Virgin Mary. Is there some correlation between Marduk 'the Ram' and Jesus Christ 'the Lamb'... the young lamb born of the paternal ram lineage?  It's just about time for a new Anunnaki "god" to be sired here on Earth. That means there is another "virgin Mary" who is living among us... and the gods could very well have identified her by now.

Immediate Relocation of Area 51

The CIA "acknowledges" Area 51 for the first time? Yeah, right. After I posted the most revealing blog since the invention of the blog, the U.S. government has undertaken a massive relocation effort to move all Area 51 technology to Antarctica! Read the following USA Today news report... then read my blog... and you'll see why I've got them on the run! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

How I Crashed the GOLD Market

It's true!
Read why GOLD plummeted the moment I published my blog.  The pen is truly mightier than the sword!  I've got them scrambling and I've only scratched the surface.

Start with the following blog entries to see how I'm the only one who has finally connected all the dots to prove the Anunnaki are still here-- and they still want our GOLD: 
-  What REALLY Caused the Great Depression
-  The Disclosure Presidents
-  The Socioeconomic Impact - part 2
This changes everything,

YouTube:  "Coexisting with the Anunnaki"

P.S.  Sorry, Barrick.  Sorry, Goldcorp.  Sorry, Numont Mining. The jig is up!!!

Recent Chronology (in the news)



Monday, June 24, 2013



I have worked as an I.T. Professional and Software Sales Director in more than fifteen different countries around the globe. I have actively studied and participated in all the world’s religions to include Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Catholic, Mormon and then some. I have two sisters who are Muslim and Catholic, two brothers who are Methodist and Lutheran, and a friend of thirty years who is an SRF monk. One of my best friends is a Wicca high-priest; and I once introduced a Muslim friend to the Mormon church when he had  ‘visions’  similar to Joseph Smith.  
That being said, I am quite comfortable with the comments I make concerning Religion in my blog; and I assure my readers that I harbor no ill-will toward any one religion or system of belief.  In my blog, I review historical accounts depicted in ancient Sumerian texts and how they relate to modern civilization since the birth of Christ. Socioeconomic and geopolitical impacts are boldly discussed. My blog is also registered on theywerenotgods.tumblr.com; and on YouTube at the following link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLEkwVbSBEs

This changes everything,

YouTube:  "Coexisting with the Anunnaki"

Zecharia Sitchin
 The Earth Chronicles:
   - The 12th Planet
   - The Stairway to Heaven
   - The Wars of Gods and Men
   - The Lost Realms
   - When Time Began
   - The Cosmic Code
   - The End of Days
 The Lost Book of Enki

Gerald Clark
 The Anunnaki of Nibiru

Michael Tellinger
 Slave Species of the Gods
Jim Marrs
 Our Occulted History

Colin Wilson & Rand Flemath
 The Atlantis Blueprint

 Genesis Revisited (Phenomenon Archives):
 The Grandest Deception (by Dr Jack Pruett)

 The Terra Papers (by Robert "Morning Sky")

 The Discourse to the Terra Papers (by Linda S. Santucci)

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Ritual of Baptism

The Anunnaki god EN.LIL personifies the jealous and angry god, the Bull, that pervades throughout the Old Testament (such as in Sodom and Gomorrah). He is known as the ‘God of the Earth and Sky’ and he was given the title ‘Commander of the Earth’ by the Anunnaki Council of Gods. EN.LIL has been equated to Zeus and Thor in the later pantheon of gods; and his lineage remains alive and well today.  

The Anunnaki god EN.KI, the Fish, personifies the compassionate god of the Old and New Testaments. He was known as the ‘God of the Seas’ and he was given the title ‘Commander of the AbZu’ (gold mines in Africa) by the Anunnaki Council of Gods. EN.KI forewarned Noah of the Great Flood; and EN.KI’s son Marduk sired the last Earthly 'god' Nabu who in turn sired the ‘divine’ Jesus Christ-- the son of "god".  EN.KI has been equated to Neptune, Poseidon and Odin in the later pantheon of gods; and he is responsible for the genetic creation of our species—thus earning him the titles ‘Father of Mankind’ and 'Heavenly Father'.

The Anunnaki god ALALU was the first to arrive on Earth from Nibiru. He crash-landed on dry land and nearly perished in the process. ALALU survived the landing and he eventually contacted Nibiru and told them of his near-death experience. Hence, when EN.KI traveled to Earth he intentionally chose to land in water to avoid the crash-landing experienced by ALALU. Upon doing so, EN.KI remained living in the marshlands of Sumeria and he spent his initial years mining for gold in this aquatic environment. On a practical level, EN.KI simply preferred to live and work near water. I can only imagine the disappointment he felt when he was officially re-assigned to the hot dry terrain of Africa. It is important to mention, when EN.LIL first traveled to the Earth he chose to land on dry land. Similar to ALALU, it is apparent that EN.LIL preferred dry land over water from that day forward. (Notice that the Secularists/Communist Russians landed their cosmonauts on dry land; while the Judea-Christian Americans landed their astronauts in oceanic waters.) 

Ancient texts describe how EN.KI kept his spacecraft, his home base, parked in the middle of a marshy bay area.  Whenever he would visit dry land, he would wear a head-dress and coat that was fashioned to look like a large fish. Ancient drawings and carvings clearly depict EN.KI wearing a full-body fish costume. (This makes me wonder if EN.KI was somewhat eccentric and flamboyant in his behavior.) To those watching from the shoreline, it would appear as if EN.KI was rising up from the water every time he approached dry land. This is why EN.KI was known as the ‘God of the Seas’ and he was assigned the moniker ‘The Fish’ throughout the ancient texts. We know the Anunnaki adhered to an astronomical calendar when orchestrating major events; so it makes perfect sense that EN.KI’s initial reign on Earth was during the astronomical Age of Pisces.

The Christian baptism we see today is a formalized ritual designed to show one’s allegiance to the ‘God of the Seas’. To be baptized is to say, “I am of the Water,” just like EN.KI-- the ‘Father of Mankind”. There is no other religion that performs the ritual of baptism in the same manner, or for the same reason, as Christianity. The closest thing to a Christian baptism is the Jewish water-purification ritual known as the “mikveh”. The Christian denominations that insist we must be completely dunked and immersed in water in order to be properly baptized are depicting the following:

1.)  EN.KI rising from the water (reborn) after his first landing on Earth.

2.)  EN.KI rising from the water each time he approached dry land.

When John baptized Jesus in the river Jordon, he was delivering a blatantly obvious statement that, “This son of Nabu, grandson of Marduk, great-grandson of EN.KI, marks the new Age of Pisces; and he embodies the ‘divine’ lineage of The Fish.” Historians realize that John the Baptist was a first cousin to Jesus of Nazareth. John and Jesus grew up together and they went to school together; so John knew the ‘divine’ lineage of Jesus first-hand. John knew that Mary was the daughter of Anna of Glastonbury; and John knew that Mary was seeded with the Anunnaki DNA of EN.KI and Marduk. For this reason, John knew that he must baptize Jesus by water—to qualify an EN.KI lineage—to separate Jesus from an EN.LIL or an ALALU lineage.

John and Jesus both spoke harshly against the hypocrisy of the Pharisee and Sadducee in their ministry—because they had spent years together conversing about that very topic. I would not be surprised to find that John and Jesus discussed the entire baptismal scene as well. When it would happen... how it would happen... and what words would be exchanged. It stands to reason that John and his cousin Jesus, at the very least, discussed the significance of the baptismal event before they happened upon each other at the Jordan river.

The recent theories that Jesus was a myth or that he was the personification of the Sun, a mythological Sun god, are entirely baseless. Contrary to the Zeitgeist videos on YouTube, Jesus was not invented to personify the Sun rising on the distant horizon. Jesus was very real. And Jesus was very much the physical continuation of an EN.KI Judea-Christendom here on Earth. We know the Anunnaki adhered to an astronomical calendar when orchestrating major events; so, in true Anunnaki fashion, Jesus heralded in the new astronomical Age of Pisces. Christians the world over recognize the Age of the Fish; and all Earthly 'gods' spawned by EN.KI will surely be associated with Water and the Fish (En.ki to Marduk to Nabu to Jesus Christ). 

I have explained in prior blog posts that the last event of The Crossing, when Nibiru crossed into our Solar System, began in 556 B.C.  As Nibiru completed its orbit around the Sun, and proceeded with a final exital-orbit from our Solar System, it was literally glowing with recharged radiant energy to appear as the ‘Star of David’ over Bethlehem. The miracle birth of Jesus Christ was EN.KI’s way of continuing his Judea-Christendom here on Earth—through the Age of Pisces—until the next Crossing. A message to a sinful world, Jesus became “the way, the truth, the light” and the ‘Savior of Mankind’.  And, today, no one is considered to be a Christian... until they are baptized in water

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Illegal Immigration - the New Slave Species

During the 18th and 19th centuries, when the elite government bureaucrats and enterprising capitalists needed cheap labor to line their greedy pockets with wealth beyond measure, it was the black Africans who immigrated into indentured servitude. The black Slave Species were converted to Christianity in order to find comfort in the idea of a Judea-Christian EN.KI god; while they reluctantly toiled and suffered under the commanding rule of an EN.LIL secular Law of the Land. When the black Slave Species came to understand that they were merely pawns in this Family Feud between two brothers, some turned to ALALU’s Nation of Islam; while others came to reject and rebel against an unfair society altogether. In the words of President Obama, when the black Slave Species began to question the hypocrisy of the democratic Divine Order, the Elite responded with a poisonous agenda “to keep the black man down”.

Through the 19th and 20th centuries, when these same elite government bureaucrats and enterprising capitalists needed cheap labor to line their greedy pockets with wealth beyond measure, it was the European Anglo-Saxons who immigrated into indentured servitude. Most of the white Slave Species had already converted to Christianity and they found comfort in the idea of a Judea-Christian EN.KI god; while they reluctantly toiled and suffered under the commanding rule of an EN.LIL secular Law of the Land. When the white Slave Species came to understand that they were also pawns in a Family Feud between two brothers, some became New Age Agnostics while others came to reject and rebel against an unfair society altogether. The corporate lobbyists cried out on Capital Hill, “The whites won’t do the work. They don't go to Church like they used to. And they don’t vote!” All the while, the white Slave Species contemplated how the Elite were trying “to keep the white man down”.

Today, in the 21st century, while the same elite government bureaucrats and enterprising capitalists need cheap labor to line their greedy pockets with wealth beyond measure, the Mexicans and Central Americans immigrate into indentured servitude. The most devout followers of Christianity, the brown Slave Species find comfort in the idea of a Judea-Christian EN.KI god; while they tirelessly toil and suffer under the commanding rule of an EN.LIL secular Law of the Land. As time passed, the brown Slave Species were loved by their Masters because they exercised the “power of the vote”; and they grew in numbers because they did not abort their unborn children. But the brown Slave Species understood that they were also pawns in a Family Feud between two brothers, and they recalled the days when America was once their land; where they once lived Free from the bondage of minimum-wage Slavery and without the broken promises of the Elite. Eventually, the brown Slave Species would begin to murmur among themselves about a growing movement “to keep the brown man down”. 

One hundred years later, in the 22nd century, when the elite government bureaucrats and enterprising capitalists will need cheap labor to line their greedy pockets with wealth beyond measure, they will orchestrate a new generation of immigrant indentured servants to replace the brown Slave Species who became too prosperous and independent. The new generation of immigrants will be converted to Christianity to find comfort in the idea of a Judea-Christian EN.KI god; while they toil and suffer under the commanding rule of an EN.LIL secular Law of the Land. The history books will be abridged such that the new Slave Species will have no knowledge of the black Slave Species, the white Slave Species, or the brown Slave Species of old. And the elite government bureaucrats and enterprising capitalists will prosper as never before. As it was in the beginning, now and forever more, the ruling Elite shall dominate and oppress the working-class Slave Species until they, who outnumber the Elite by 300 million strong, say “No more!”

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Great Satan

The more notable references to ‘satan’ can be found in the New Testament in the words of Jesus Christ. I have elaborated in prior blog posts that Jesus could very well be the continuation of a ‘divine’ EN.KI lineage via the union of Nabu and Mary—Nabu being the son of Marduk and Mary being the daughter of Anna of Glastonbury. With this in mind, let us briefly discuss the meaning of the word ‘satan’ before we interpret what Jesus Christ was really saying in the New Testament.

During the time of Christ, the word ‘satan’ could be used as either a noun or a verb in the Hebrew language as follows: to turn aside, to fall away, to decline, to stray, to seduce, contrary to, adversary, seducer, revolter, rival, obstacle. In some cases, the biblical persona 'Satan' is used to reveal a message, in a disguised manner, when the receiver of the message is not inclined to understand or trust the source. Surprisingly, Yahweh even allows a 'Satan' to wreak havoc on his most devout servant Job in the Old Testament.

In Judaism there is no concept of “the devil” like in Christianity or Islam; and there is no direct link between the Serpent that tempts Eve in the Garden of Eden and the 'Satan' referenced in the first book of Chronicles and in Job. In Hebrew, the biblical word ha-satan (השָׂטָן) means "the adversary" or “the obstacle”, or even "the prosecutor" as God is viewed as the ultimate Judge.

If “the devil” exists in any form of Judaism, his role is as an “adversary” and an “accuser” which is assigned rather than assumed. Christianity and Islam translated the lower-case ‘satan’ to imply "The Devil" and the upper-case ‘Satan’ to personify him. They made ‘satan’ and 'Satan' out to be the frightful, demonic devil we fear today; whereas the original Hebrew context was that ‘satan’ represented an "adversary" in opposition to a particular cause or train of thought. That being said, let’s review the translated scriptures:

Matthew 16:22-23
[22]   Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. "Never, Lord!" he said. "This shall never happen to you!"

[23]  Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

This is the most telling scripture to describe exactly what "Satan" represented to Christ and to the people of the day-- a “stumbling block” to a message or objective. Just as the aforementioned Hebrew definition of ‘satan’ indicated, the embodiment of a certain “adversary” or “obstacle” is what Jesus Christ was constantly on guard against. Was Jesus saying that Peter was demonically possessed by “the devil” or Satan? Of course not. Jesus was referring to a mindset that was in “opposition” to his Judea-Christian agenda.

Now, let’s take a look at how the lower-case ‘satan’ in Hebrew was translated by Christianity and Islam to personify the modern-day concept of “the devil”.  

Matthew 13:37-39
[37] “He answered and said unto them, 'He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man.”

[38]  “The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.”

[39]  “The enemy that sowed them is the devil (‘satan’); the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.”

Teaching in parables, Christ compares the origin of the "bad" seed to the origin of the "good" seed. I don’t think Christ could have been any more clear in his delineation between two feuding offspring, two opposing mindsets, here on Earth. And we know that these two distinct factions were either of EN.LIL-origin or EN.KI-origin because Islam did not appear until 600 years later. The term "the devil" in verse 39 is not an accurate Hebrew translation but, instead, can be replaced by rival, opposer, adversary, or obstacle which correspond to the Hebrew lower-case ‘satan’.

At the time of Christ, we already have the "bad" seed infiltrating the Jewish temples and influencing the Jewish people. It is believed that these "devils" are the ones who attempted to convince others that Christ was not the Son of God. Biblical scholars disagree as to whether this infiltration was of an ever-present Pagan origin or, more likely, the EN.LIL-ite opponents of an EN.KI to Marduk to Nebo royal lineage. Regardless, Jesus confronts them in the following scriptures:  
John 8:43-44
[43]  "Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word."

[44]  "Ye are of your father, the devil (‘satan’), and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
Who would the offspring of EN.KI (namely Nabu and Jesus) consider to be the original murderer and liar of old? The father of ‘original’ sin? In my mind, all we have to do is recall the earliest struggles between the two brothers EN.LIL and EN.KI below:

1)  The Great Flood – It is EN.LIL who wanted to destroy EN.KI’s creation, the entire human race, by not informing Mankind that the Great Flood was coming. EN.LIL opposed the genetic manipulation by EN.KI to create the first Adam-man; and EN.LIL considered Mankind to be a threat and a nuisance from that day forward. It is EN.KI who secretly notified his son Noah to build The Ark to survive The Deluge. This clearly makes EN.LIL the absolute murderer and liar since the beginning of time.

2)  Nuclear War – It is EN.LIL, once again, who insisted that Mankind be left in the dark when ancient Sumeria was about to unleash a nuclear holocaust upon itself. This nuclear war was the decided outcome in a struggle between two Anunnaki factions struggling to rule the Earth—the offspring of EN.LIL verses the offspring of EN.KI.  It was EN.KI who secretly warned Mankind to flee Sumeria before the nuclear fall-out took its toll. This clearly makes EN.LIL a notorious murderer and liar, for the second time, throughout the Earth’s history.

It is interesting how Jesus so clearly delineates between his members of Mankind (the ‘real’ Jews) as opposed to the members of Mankind spawned by “the devil” (the lower-case ‘satan’ lineage and mindset). Jesus refers to “the murderer” and “the liar” not as a hell-fire demon or devil in the Christian sense. Jesus is referring to men, flesh and blood, with an opposing and adversarial agenda that Jesus could perceive at first glance. No one knows exactly how Jesus could have identified them so easily, but he vehemently calls them out again in the scriptures below:   

Rev 2:9
[9] “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
Rev 3:9
[9] “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

The above scriptures are angry references to upper-case ‘Satan’; and I am convinced that Jesus is referring to the descendants of Someone that he knows personally. Jesus knows their lineage, he knows who seeded them, and he makes a candid accusation that they have infiltrated the Jewish temples and they are "pretending" to be Jews. This is most significant considering that Jews today are divided into Jews who follow the rule of Secularism verses Jews who follow Judaic Law.

And who is the never-ending proponent of Secularism and its opposition to Christianity? Who was the first designated Commander of the Earth?  His name is EN.LIL and it is not just Christianity he has opposed. He has worked alongside ALALU and the Nation of Islam to divide and conquer EN.KI’s chosen offspring—the ‘real’ Jewish people. Christ clearly stated this in the aforementioned biblical texts. Thus describes the 3-way power struggle between three separate Anunnaki “gods” here on Earth.

It appears that EN.KI is dead-set on protecting and keeping his ‘divine’ lineage in-tact—the Jewish people. All the while, EN.LIL celebrates the chance to divide and destroy EN.KI’s creation at any cost. Read the following Old Testament verses from Genesis Chapter 6 to understand precisely what EN.LIL thought of EN.KI’s creation both BEFORE and AFTER the infamous Flood:

Genesis 6:5-7The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”

Genesis 6:11-13 – The earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.

Genesis 8:20-21 – Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

I conclude with a final reference to the idea of a ‘satan’ or ‘Satan’ bringing out the worst in Mankind here on Earth. The aforementioned Genesis chapters 6 & 8 clearly state that man was a lost cause from the very beginning. A thousand more verses, from Exodus to Revelations, prove that man will never change his wicked ways. The infamous words of comedian Flip Wilson, “the devil made me do it!” personifies the modern-day Satan that Christians have been taught to blame. The world is a bad place because Satan has made it that way.  Really?  Man's creation story, the book of Genesis, would beg to differ.